Gabriel Normandeau

I’m interested to see how this one will play out. IMO, the books have a lot of amazingly cool sci-fi/physics ideas in them, but are otherwise terrible in ways that might play into Benihoff and Weiss’ own storytelling flaws. Feels like it might well end up a mess, but probably quite an interesting one, and maybe the

Conscription is slavery and no just society or sound military body can endure based on forced service”

Nominating Ken but not Barbie is stupid and fits perfectly with the theme of the movie.

“Don’t pick a fight with a giant unless you know you can win it.”

I always love it when developers explain the reasons behind decisions because its both very informative, and listening to capital ‘G’ Gamer accusations is exhausting. If you ask Twitter, 30fps is becase devs just need to move the FPS slider on the Engine Screen up to ‘60', and refusing to do so are Devs being LAZY.

Sounds like the LitRPG genre. I am now just tipping my toes into that world. Definitely has a very specific appeal.

“Fans are waiting for it from your official company. It is not necessary to spoil the game for people because of politics.”

No one sane believes this is the end of the TRio.

I dunno if I’d consider Denji an ‘incel’. He’s only 16, and he spent his time prior being abused by yakuza to pay off his father’s debts. He is extremely horny, sure, but he makes friends, and is mostly respectful (outside of some light sexual harassment :-/ ) of his female coworkers.

This all came to a head when former employee Jessica Price published a lengthy Twitter thread accusing Paizo executives of (among other things) sexual harassment, fighting against diversity efforts within the company, and firing Marie for pushing back against the toxic work environment these actions fostered. Paizo

Paizo and its employees have been central to conversations around labor in the tabletop space, with the studio having formed the first tabletop union back in 2021. The United Paizo Workers allied with the Communications Workers of America, which has had a hand in much of the unionization efforts within the video game

Real lawyers in Japan are too busy teaching dance choreography to high school girls and moonlighting as bike gang member to actually take on cases, which is why the paralegals do all the work instead. 

If you’re not tied to D&D as a property, but instead want a good starter set of roleplaying materials to start or add to an existing collection of TTRPG resources, something like the Pathfinder Beginner Box is a better, if not more expensive, value.

That is a really, really good tip.

I say this basically every time I talk about D&D here but if you’re running a game for new players, my biggest recommendation is getting them a dice set where each die is a different color. It’ll speed up the game a ton if you can tell players “roll the d20, which is red” or “roll the d10, which is blue” and will go a

It’s more a union team player going to bat for the union. Honestly, as unionized writers, I’m surprised the side Kotaku came down on this one.

I can stand by her statement. She has done a crap-ton for voice worker rights. You can find her interviews over decades of fighting for VA rights, the right for residuals from game sales, of joining others in striking, etc. She’s not new to this industry, and her advocacy goes back longer than most people posting here

I get that read of it, but I think its more “look, I can’t say anything here due to an NDA, but I’m not a scab, my history and reputation should make that clear”.

First of all, Salty is right.