How the fuck does she, and the syndicator, make so much money on a show that runs during the day when losers and retirees are home? Are JG Wentworth, The General insurance, and Clapper ads really that lucrative?
How the fuck does she, and the syndicator, make so much money on a show that runs during the day when losers and retirees are home? Are JG Wentworth, The General insurance, and Clapper ads really that lucrative?
Am I the only one who has no idea what she sees in Jimmy?
One of Charlie Sheen’s patients on Anger Management.
the legendary, unkillable 3800 Buick V6
We had to pass on a nice house because my ‘66 Galaxie was longer than the garage. The weird thing is the house was built in the 30s (and so, presumably, was the garage).
I would rather make adjustments to the current healthcare setup of private insurance with government subsidies for those who need them, than Grampa Stalin’s pipe dream of free care for everyone and the Billionaires will pay for it!
Someone please let me know when Fat Tony is retired. And the Pizza Guy.
“Most of us”? Or just the envious failures like you?
Ditto. I own four cars and the one worth the most is my ‘66 Ford convertible (not a show car by any means, just a nice driver). And they all run great, cost me nothing, and get me where I need to go. My friends all have new cars and whine about money.
A semi-automatic rifle is not the “machine gun” you see in movies that sprays out a fusillade of hundreds of bullets in seconds as the shooter holds down the trigger. It just means that it loads the next round from the magazine automatically, rather than requiring a reload, like the bolt action on a hunting rifle. …
Mayor Pete has the Diversity and Inclusion media in a tizzy. Black is so 2008; gay is new and exciting!
Is there a man in America sporting the shaved head / giant beard look who isn’t a douchebag?
Also it’s a convertible, which is the MAIN reason I have been working overtime convincing the wife two city-dwelling middle-aged office workers need it.
I pray Biden wins the nomination and picks Booker to run with him so we can promote the Corn Pop / T-Bone ticket.
I haven’t read the comics in like 10 years, but I vaguely recall someone saying something along the lines of “Even Dr. Manhattan couldn’t stop every single missile.” Which I thought always sounded like bullshit but was the answer to this problem.
Yeah, I thought that was weird.
When I read the headline I honestly thought this article was going to claim saying OK was the same as using the “OK” hand signal which apparently now signifies White Power or something.
Well, there’s the problem for me, anyway. The Missus would be at least occasionally using it so a manual is sadly out of the question.
Wait, you can seriously get a new GT for $35K? I have to rethink a lot of things.
Kite Man