The 95 Feces

I find myself genuinely missing Sawyer’s portrayal of Ralph, and I’m pissed that Sawyer had to be such a jackass. It wouldn’t be the same, but couldn’t they recast the character, coming up with some goofball sciency reason for his form reverting to a different shape at rest? Then we could get more Sue, too!

I am so sick of networks cancelling shows without an ending. People don’t start shows anymore until they find out it has proper ending because why waste your time! I personally enjoyed Manifest and here we go, another with no ending. I’m gonna give up and start reading books!

Publicity stunt. The show will suddenly reappear with no explanation five years from now.

And yet you feel the need to comment about your lack of interest or contribution.


Well, he does state he wants to do it in a professional capacity, as he sees that as his only way to make an income and support his family. But I guess that’s why you don’t go and try yo overthrow the government, silly!

Oh, FFS - enough with this bullshit. Yep, go ahead, direct your hate at me, I’m cool with it, and I never reply so type away.

There’s nothing that can be done to please these people so stop trying. Nothing will ever be good enough for them because it’s not about anything other than them wanting to hear the sound of their own sanctimony. 

First of all, its not just Republicans who oppose this pseudointellectual nonsense. Second, we oppose it because it is pure sophistry and entirely racist. It “otherizes” white people and blames “whiteness” for every ill and problem in the world. It reduces every individual down to their race, skin color, and gender.

Harming and upsetting several other people in the process”

Calm down with the cop rant please. This one cop behaved like an idiot and he’s going to pay for his stupidity. The vast majority of cops do their best with some of societies worst behaving citizens. 

These freaking militant asshole cops should never be allowed to work in law enforcement ever again. Fire him. Start the damn database. USE IT. Keep these Nazis out of LE. Speeding shouldn’t be a reason to pull someone over anyway - unless it is extremely egregious and obviously putting others at risk. Bet she was

Yeah, I’m speaking quietly here cause the cop is obviously a dick, but I can’t even imagine staying on the road with a cop’s lights and sirens behind me, let alone for two minutes straight. My reaction time to a police car behind me is about 2 seconds, and I brake at a consistent pace to stop. 120 seconds would feel

This cop is a dick. Im on the side of the angry mob on this one.

Decent article, but the ending “ police stops and police chases both need to end.” is idiotic at best. If that were to occur, you would have anarchy on the streets with many not stopping at red lights or stop signs, excessive speeding, reckless driving, more road rage, etc. What happened in San Fran when the city

The drama about Kamillah leaving is somewhat lessened by me not being able to remember a damn thing abut her other than that she is Cisco’s girlfriend

Hi, can you guys fix the thing where I click a notification to see a particular comment and just get brought to the article instead? The comment sections are even more broken than usual *insert rimshot*. Please forward this to whoever’s at Kinja HQ or G/O Media’s web guy is, tia.

Welcome to government. Everything is important and worth doing as long as someone else is paying.

I did take a cursory look and at least in my quick Google Image search for Carolina Squat, all the owners I saw appeared to be white guys.

Communism is as retarded as she is though