The 95 Feces

You wouldn’t be shocked if you lived in New York. For every decent, solid baseball fan who grew up in the Bronx or otherwise inherited lovefor his team, there’s five assholes yelling “27 rings, baby!” who couldn’t tell you the first baseman before Tino Martinez if their bail depended on it.

The Mets have been in the World Series more often this decade than the Yankees.  Time to re-take the town!!

Can you?

Jeff Goldblum was in the first one. He is absolutely hilarious portraying a tough guy gang member.

The movie takes such dark turn. One minute the townie racists are just garden-variety dicks, taunting the hippies and dumping sugar on some Native kids in an ice cream parlor, and Billy Jack beats them up a little. Next thing you know, rape and murder!

There was a cable channel on Fios (or maybe Time Warner?) years ago that regularly showed weird old biker movies on Saturday nights. Sadly, it seems to be gone.

A math teacher in my HS was also a karate instructor. This was his favorite film, he used to show it regularly after hours. He lent a copy to my friend and we kept it for months.  Loved it.  I had NO idea this was a big money-maker.

I don’t watch football much anymore, not for any particular gripe or reason, but that I just don’t care and have stuff to do on Sundays. This past Sunday I took a break from yard work and popped on the couch to watch the end of the Jets/Cowboys game*. That last drive mess was enough football for me this year.

Mike “Why the fuck is he here?” Mussina says hi.

Hey, at least there’s the Knicks!

It wasn’t that cool for us Mets fans. While we were gagging away a playoff spot, I swear it felt like every other day you’d check the scores and CC had thrown another fucking shutout.

Bring back the road baby blues.  Especially for teams like the Phillies who don’t otherwise have blue as one of their colors.

You make a compelling point. I didn’t mind the Rorschach fight so much as the one in the alley (jail?) with Dan and Laurie where they were seemingly retired for years yet easily beat the crap out of a bunch of bad guys, smiling and in slo-mo.

How does it “revel” in vigilante violence? Rorschach is a demented, damaged loner who dies for nothing. Both Nite Owls are sad old guys living in the past. Comedian realized his life’s work was terrible, and died alone, unloved, and unacknowledged by his daughter. Silk Spectre 2 was sad as a hero and only somewhat

Aww shit, Abby’s got canceled?  It was mildly amusing and I like anything Janitor is in.

I never even heard of this show, but after reading that asshole’s tweet I’m pretty happy it got axed.

I delivered pizza during college. Nothing beat a snowy Friday or Saturday night - there were few-to-no other cars on the roads, order volume would be huge because no one wanted to venture out, and tips were at least double what you’d get on a normal night. I had a giant old Chevy with a worked small-block that

I got married in a fancy catering hall my wife had settled on before we even met. The food is spectacular. Whoever was in charge had a great plan: The entire bridal party remained sequestered in a suite for the entire cocktail hour, so we could make our goofy Big Entrance for the first time as Mr. and Mrs.

I’ve only ever heard referred to as a butter knife.

If the Mets would stop annually shitting the bed, maybe deGrom could get enough postseason work to lay claim to that title.