I am 52 and never heard the term “table knife” until these comments.
I am 52 and never heard the term “table knife” until these comments.
I grew up a Steelers fan in the 70s. I picked them at age 7 when I knew nothing about football and I liked their uniforms; being the best team ever was a bonus. Anyways, when Phil Simms was drafted, I was a HS freshman QB wearing #11 so he quickly became my favorite, and I ultimately became a Giants fan.
A country that suppresses all unapproved political discourse, censors all forms of communication, imprisons and tortures groups on an ethnic-cleansing level, and literally kills people for organs for party members is totally equivalent to the most free country in history, because of a handful of overzealous police.
The guy I contacted said he thought it a bad idea to block people. Not even gray - flat-out block.
I’m at the point now where I think they’re banning me just based on my IP address. Every time I made a conservative point I’d get banned and have to start a new burner. Last week’s Funbag, I made a joke about people bringing gifts to weddings (weirdos) and was banned. I doubt this will show up.
Clearly you are not from the NY Metro area, Italian, or Jewish. I don’t care if the wedding is on the fucking moon, if you don’t bring a check you’re a cheap fuck that everyone in the bride’s family and most of the groom’s family will make snide remarks about for the rest of your life.
They’re still whining about the Mets “stealing” the division in ‘69. Met fans don’t complain about the Cubs stealing playoff spots from us in ‘84 and ‘98 and doing jack shit with them.
My wife’s office in a New York City college has a large electric skillet, a slow-cooker, two toaster ovens, and a full set of implements. When she started working there they said “Buy some bigger clothes. Everyone here gains at least 15 lbs”. They were right.
How on earth is horse racing a $15 Billion industry? Sparsely-attended tracks, tiny handles... the general public gives a shit for the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and then the Belmont if a triple crown is possible.
Drew Brees won me 3 titles (and would be 5 but for bad decisions on my part) back in the good old days when NO had no defense and weren’t interested in running the ball. And before him, Warren Moon was a stalwart on my team.