He’s from Boston. Boston hates Niggers.

at least we get tits out of this.

who cares. reporters are lying pieces of shit anyway. it’s not like you’re the cops. go fuck your mother.

“You got weights and a basketball, bro. that’s cool.” You and your douchey friends.

so it’s the “DOUCHE BAG”? nice I guess.

this was weak, you are weak. i suspect you order pineapple on your pizza. loser.

I wonder which MLS team will steal this and make it look stupid. Maybe even the “American Outlaws”. That group of bigots needs chants in a bad way.

and Geno perfected it. Takes a man to make womens sports watchable. deal with it.

“If you held a gun to my head and forced me to use a Windows laptop”

or how to let everyone know you’re an elitist cunt in one sentence. congrats, fag.

“If you held a gun to my head and forced me to use a Windows laptop”

or how to let everyone know you’re an elitist

learn to read, bitch.

Those jokes started in the 80's, douche.

You don’t know the first thing about umami. You heard a celebrity chef say it on tv and now you are running your mouth like you know what you are talking about.

Piss off.

aka “We have nothing to write about. Let’s go back to the 90's and talk shit about Michael Jackson”

Nice try, cunts. You’d be better at justifying that horrible new Ghostbusters movie. “IT’s good” lol sure.

Sorta like “My neighbor beats his wife, so it’s ok if I beat my wife. Why don’t you people get it? Stop being PC” Sure, “bro”

the women at Stanford are very ugly. this should be considered community service. he should be pitied not punished.


Of course it had to be a woman that wrote this. As if being a woman wasn’t easy already, now they have no standards. Congrats, Ladies, you win. You get to be lazy, half-assed, and do half the job a man does and still demand the same cash or recognition.

lol MLS ‘fans’

ill stick to YouTube.

The Giants? Common. Stop being a fag. Can’t you preview that womans soccer league no one cares about.