Yeah, but Tony Reali is the most annoying cunt ever so ATH should be 15 minutes.
He’s not wrong.
He has 19 team records, you’re just being a cunt. A jealous cunt.
Abby Wombat just rolled her eyes.
Millenials are pussies. Get over it... pussy.
“Boots” what a douchebag. You’re not a Euro. Fuckin’ poser
Why the USMNT is a joke. We are good against the garbage teams in our region, but every other place is next level.
*applies for Spanish citizenship*
Dwight look like Aunt Fee
No it won’t. Nothing will happen. A little sex scandal won’t kill March Madness. Too much money is involved. No one cares about some cunt that regrets spreading her legs.
When a wrestler legitimately gets injured the referee will cross his arms as a sign to the people in the “Gorilla Position” to know that the injury is legit. Compliments of Teddy Long.
Why divorce him and only walk away with half? Wait a couple years for him to die and walk away with everything. #Feminism
You bigot. Tom Trump, everyone.
No one needs to lose, stupid. We get it, you think you are thoughtful. Bravo. Here’s a gold star, poser.
Tomorrow on Lifehacker: Keep Your Hand From Burning By Not Putting Your Hand In The Fire.
I came here to see her boobs. The lesbians that run this site blew it on this one. Next time tits or gtfo.
Weird of him to expect this on a site called lifeHACKer.
Will this be investigated as a hate crime because camera man is clearly gay?
So he’s going to get another suspension? Awesome, I guess. If we are going back and retroactively punishing people can we do something about Christopher Columbus?
He’s gay or possibly French. Leave him alone.