
None of these are a 2000s Buick LeSabre and are therefore wrong.

It wasn’t great but I did enjoy the S8 review in live action.

Yes you sure as hell can. The Aurora is a wonderful car and that person is a connoisseur.

That’s right! Add taxi companies, call centers, fast food workers, cashiers, production line workers, and all sorts of sectors to the list. These jobs are dead and those people can go fuck themselves. The nerve they have dirtying the environment.

That is one of the things that irks me about this election. People are so completely caught up in how bad Trump is that they’re literally willing to overlook any other matters of importance. Clinton could go on TV tomorrow, say that she’ll slaughter the first born child of every household and I believe most people

Also, he failed to sacrifice a goat to the sun god and therefore dawn will not come tomorrow...

“You had the chance in the palm of your hands, Ken. You could have trapped them. You could have tricked Trump into saying the other astoundingly dumb things about science we all know he’s capable of.”

So that’s why you dislike Ken Bone? Because he didn’t try to make Trump say something stupid?

Hi wife and daughter think he’s good. So suck it.


I wonder what percentage of commenters will even know what a “compaq” is.

Let’s get this out of the way first. I’m not much of a bandwagon rider when it comes to things that are built simply to generate hype. I haven’t attended a Transformers movie premiere since high school and I don’t give an aerated turd about the next season of Game of Thrones because I’ve never seen it, nor do I care

Anybody else ever have to drive a forklift on the street?

I got banned from Gawker main site for a while for saying that. Methinks them Jezzies didn’t get the reference.

Not a supercar, so not quite as intense, but the E93 328i and 335i have surprisingly heavy steering. With the sport pack (wider tires) it takes genuine effort to turn the wheel while parking. Barely has any power assist.

One of his best lines ever.

Change gear, change gear, change gear, check mirror... murder a prostitute. Change gear, change gear, murder.

As cool as that video was, the killer shot for me was him sliding the cassette tape in. Not sure why haha.

Because some people live in the past?

Fun? Ever heard of it?