
Sorry about the breakdown, I really am, but I think this is going to be a much more entertaining car to read about than any of the others thus far. Unreliable or not, it’s still a sexy beast and I want one.

I thought I’d love to laugh at its problems along with everyone else, but the truth is I actually want to drive it now. It’s so much fun to drive when it is moving that I’m a little sad when it has to go to the dealer. Hopefully it’ll be smooth sailing after this. Yeah, right...

Woot, I won the office pool!

Doug this certainly confirms the Aston was the right choice, plenty of material for the next year, unless you get fed up with it after the 6 month mark having only been able to drive the car for 30 days total.

I like that the Start button has a flip up switch. Like you are about to fire missiles at the asshole in front of you while you creep along in traffic at 5 mph.

What’s the point of any beverage container you can’t crush on your forehead?

Coming soon to a Buffalo Wild Wings parking lot near you.

That sound you hear is hundreds of thousands of CrossFit bro’hemians furiously masturbating to this.

The motto of the 2017 Ridgeline team: “We can’t possibly sell fewer than the last one”.

This Doug is best Doug.

Good Lord. It behaves like there's traction even when in the air.