
I’m... confused about what the angle is here. I think it’s totally understandable that she would feel a little knock to her self-esteem after finding out that an ex is gay, and I think wanting to score a hot rebound to feel sexually desirable again is within the bounds of normal behavior so... I guess I’m failing to

In the case of Outlander, I have come to the sad conclusion that it’s there because many women like it. They like that Jamie is raped. They like that he feels so guilty about it. They were pissed off when season 2 didn’t have more sex scenes. PTSD? Who cares! There’s just all sorts of fucked up shit in Gabaldon’s head

The thing is, if you have a brain, any time one of the Trump or even Clinton “Supporters” is allowed to speak, it is extremely hard to not start doing a violent and reflexive mental, and maybe even audible, cringe at what they are saying.

“If you want to hold grudges because you don’t understand that people evolve and grow out of ideas.... Well, Trump is your guy”

“If you have no problems with Trump being our next dictator, just say so”

Thanks for whitesplaining to me about black voters!

So some people went to the a movie featuring some of the most violent, sadistic characters in the DC universe and expected something else other than violence, sexism, over-the-top action, and machismo? Sometimes I wonder what are the qualifications to be a film critic. I guess the ability to breath is one of them.

And you guys don’t sound like a broken record, with your unrelenting “Bernie Bro” bullshit? Pot, meet kettle.

She is an awful candidate who sat on the board of Walmart while they were abusing workers, she called black people “super predators,” she is a full-on Wall St candidate, voted for all of the wars and her tenure as Secretary of State left even more middle eastern nations crumbling in her wake.

Shhhh! You’re making people uncomortable with your facts and figures. It’s ok to support a right-wing Wall Street type as long as they have a (D) in front of their name.

How dare people protest for substantial economic justice! It’s not like doing that for the past six months has resulted in a substantial shift left in the Democratic party platform! How dare anyone interrupt the queen!

As I said above, Hillary is pulling in 90% of Bernie’s supporters. People like you keep up with these lies because you’re already making excuses (that is: blame Bernie) in case she loses. She’s getting a united democratic party...if she loses, it’s because people trust her less than they do Hair Führer.

Let me preempt my comment by saying I love Samantha Bee’s show, and I also find the folks who supported Sanders but are now voting Trump exasperatingly stupid as well, and I am by no means a bernie-bro (although I did vote for him in the primaries).

Jon Stewart would never do a bit like this because he had a sense of empathy and a basic respect for humanity. It’s why he never seemed to be punching down — even when he brutally took people to task. He always made sure he was making fun of people for the right reasons.

Yeah he had every right to be way more upset than he seems.

I know, right? I generally have no opinion on One Direction but I feel for this guy. He was an upstanding person, sounded way friendlier than I ever am on a plane, and this fan just couldn’t be fucking cool and respect him as an actual human on a not-great day.

Yup. I never thought I'd be #Team1D but I'm definitely on his side on this one.

She should be ashamed of herself. He actually asked her not to take pictures of him, so she did it when he was unconscious...hope nobody returns that sort of favor for her.

I am horrified that someone took a picture and posted it of a sleeping person. It doesn’t matter who it is. Grade A creeper shit right there.

So, a fan has a nice long chat with a friendly international pop star, wants a selfie and the pop star declines because he’s sick, so the fan waits until he’s asleep and then takes a picture and posts it on social media with a gushing commentary? Wow. That is a really shitty thing to do. #thedownsideoffame