
I am literally sick to my stomach. No matter,NO MATTER your views on Clinton, there is NO REASON! that a piece of fucking garbage like Trump should be president. He is concerned with one thing, making Donald Trump better.He dosen’t give a fuck about his little cult, and he dosen’t give a fuck about this country. I

This is fucking hilarious.

Rubbish, she showed her true colors as Home Secretary. Always was and always will be a right wing conservative and anti immigration windbag.

Yeah, when you don’t remember doing this but you’re all, “Yep, sounds like me.” That is not a good sign of your overall character.

The way Chelsea Manning has been treated is vile and it is sad that public does not care. So many have forgotten what she released and saw, she saw innocent civilians being killed on purpose and people being tortured, yet the people in the videos have not been punished. US can lecture the world on human right

This is gross. Oh, you feel enough despair to want to take your own life? We will deprive you of human contact for a fortnight, that ought to fix it.

“When Savitt began at Yahoo the top managers reporting to her … including the chief editors of the verticals and magazines, were less than 20 percent female. Within a year and a half those top managers were more than 80 percent female,”

No. Listen, if this was a guy people would be calling for lengthy prison time, and rightfully so. Same thing for her. Unless she was delusional she knew children under 1 are not supposed to live on just fruit and nuts.

I hate the Guy Fawkes is some sort of revolutionary to the Internet and the world at large. He wasn’t trying to overthrow an oppressive religious institution, he was trying to INSTALL one. He worked for the Catholic church was hoping he could bring the Catholic church back to Britain if he just killed enough of those

They also waste a lot of money and time and give patients false hope by continuing with drugs they know won’t work. I have a lot of respect for the scientists who look for solutions but none for the managers and bean counters who only think of “business” and the share holder. Yes, I am bitter.

You mean funded by the US tax payers.

Some of the most useful research comes out of the UK, especially on chronic diseases, because, of course, they pay for everything in one place. There was an absolutely amazing study earlier this year about eradicating Type 2 diabetes in patients who had suffered from it for up to 10 years. Single payer can bring us

What’s this? A medical breakthrough in the UK, with all the pinko, soshulized medicine? Can’t be true.

The death drive is littered with “Stop” signs, and bombshell actress Margot Robbie is one of them. Last night, SNL cast members acted out the the cherished fantasy of bursting into flames immediately after having watched a sexy-librarian strip tease performed by Robby. Kenyan Thompson, Bobby Moynihan, Alex Moffat,

Oh, as opposed to some running back who gains 5 yards on a 2nd and 3 and springs up with some 1st down salute? Or a defensive back who breaks up a pass and celebrates with a huge incomplete pass motion.

So then do you place as much weight on the fact that Jameis Winston was not found responsible by his school and consider him 100% innocent of rape then? And yes, I have noticed pointing out the obvious racial undertones of the case make many Jezebel posters so uncomfortable they will intentionally attempt to pretend

That is an interesting coincidence - I find whenever commenters attempt to casually dismiss the established history of discrimination against African-Americans, for example by pretending false accusations of rape is a tool used historically to surprise young black men or implying college-educated white women are just

Are we now assuming that school investigations into sexual assault are both automatically impartial and infallible? I note that when white female students complain that their alleged attackers were not punished by their school, such as in the UVA case, numerous Jezebel posters are quick to argue the investigation was

This is a disappointingly vague summary of what is actually a pretty great interview.

It’s probably an unpopular opinion, but I agree.