
I’m explaining what I think his argument is, not agreeing with it. I’m not defending him at all.

Had you bothered to read the Wiki, you’d know they source their claims by linking to the party’s platform, which is about as objective as you can get for someone who doesn’t read Japanese.

Her daycare policies aren't very Thatcherite but her Hawkish foreign policy positions are. I guess that doesn't matter so much in a mayor, tho.

I think that’s a really ignorant viewpoint from somebody that literally knows nothing about Japanese politics and just assumes that Liberal Democrats mean the same thing in Japan as they do in the US.

In Japan, The Liberal Democratic Party is hard-right conservative and nationalist, it was so named because it arose from a merger of the Japan Democratic Party and the Liberal Party. The party is pretty much conservative by default as it has been in power for 50 years straight, also, the party was hand-crafted by the

Per Tuppu Glossp below:

She’s a member of a sinister cult that wants to eliminate human rights, roll back the role of women to where it was in the nineteenth century, and end Japan’s postwar policy of international pacifism.

He’s still the prime minister.

Yeah, she’s white (the OP). She would dismiss anything that would challenge her comment.

Op keeps dismissing people who comment that wrongful convictions are common as hell. So here's my comment! If you are black or brown in America, wrongful convictions are common as hell! Don't be such a racist Tina!

Don’tbesuchaboobpunchTina keeps dismissing people who are rightfully pointing out that in America wrongful convictions are common as hell if you are brown or black. Don’t be such a racist Tina!

In defense of “Hollywood” after doing some digging on the film:

90% of Bernie supporters will be voting for Hillary. Most of the rest of the 10% are likely in non-swing states where they can feel comfortable voting any way they choose. It is a small group. Could it swing the election? I suppose, but I have a feeling there are far more disaffected Republicans who will be abandoning

Ehhhhh, I mean all the photos are from the event they’re covering — the nomination — and Hillary Clinton wasn’t there. So kinda hard to get a photo of her. The USA Today one looks terrible.

I wanted to see Bernie win; I did not want to see his supporters boo and hiss their way through the convention and take away from what is without a doubt a historic moment. You guys, your issues are my issues - or are they? Because from where I’m standing Bernie’s done a great job of pushing those issues and now

Yes, as a PWD, I’m feeling kind of cynical about the reactions to this. I guess this incident helps define the limits of what crimes against the disabled are deemed acceptable by the abled and which aren’t. Mass knifings = bad, but “poor overwhelmed parent” of disabled child killing said child = lots of sympathy for

Ah, what happens when ableism is left unchecked, and people regularly pontificate about the “burden” that some people are. Shit like this makes my autistic self shudder. How many people out there think I deserve a stabbing because I utilize social services?

You’re confused. His comment was after the closing remarks, i.e. the trial was complete.

Might be an unpopular opinion, but -

But he wasn’t charged with vehicular manslaughter or criminal negligence, he was charged with a crime that requires establishing intent. This is actually a way prosecutors can evade getting a conviction; charge a police officer with a more severe form of the crime that the prosecution will not be able to prove beyond