
His entire campaign was only ever supposed to be a leftward nudge for Clinton. It took off in ways he (and certainly his campaign) never expected, and he had a genuine chance for a while there. If they’d been more prepared from the beginning, I honestly think he could have beaten Clinton handily, but the relative

Please, don’t be a sore winner. It was a surprisingly tough campaign, someone had to win, and the person who crossed the finish line, to her credit, was Clinton. Most of us are now gearing up to stop Trump. Complaining about how your team won is not helping that effort. It never helps.

I agreee. I always thought that Hillary should have been uncontested as the democratic nominee. She should also win the GE by default. After all, this is what democracy is all about - no discussions, no competition of ideas, no choice for the voters. Simply a coronation. Bow to the Queen!

If only those poor people would leave the political contributions to us oil companies, they wouldn’t get frittered away by social democrats and their cockamamie public works.

No, his campaign was intended to bring a certain perspective on certain issues out of the political fringes and into mainstream public discourse; he was irrefutably successful in doing so.

I’m glad that he’s finally acknowledging defeat, but I’m also glad that he’s going to continue to push his progressive agenda. He’s made us have conversations that we wouldn’t have had otherwise. Hopefully Hillary will absorb some of his optimism and get shit done when she’s elected.

It’s almost like she’s a rich, white feminist...

The pro-Trump feminist also seems to fail to realize that Muslim women and undocumented women are also women. Fiorina’s feminism seems to concern itself with the struggles of a very select group of women (and even so it’s hard to see how she can support Trump).


It’s beyond shitting on Sanders now. It’s about shitting on liberalism and liberals, and their unusual need to rally and talk about issues this election cycle. Liberals got uppity, and there are certain ways to silence them: Tell them their own identity disqualifies them from helping the oppressed, tell them that

Oh the shame! The early smear campaign was about divide-and-conquer identity politicking to keep the party centrist, in the hopes of winning the general election and avoid having to reform aspects of the DNC. To fend off a person for what he is.

Keep dreaming. Hillary is a hawk. She was the impetus behind regime change in Libya. Her Iraq vote gave W cover on the left. That’s who she is. Stop making excuses for the reality of the situation.

I didn’t, actually. I merely stated my position. The framing of anyone who sides with the perspective that Sanders sticking in the race is a good thing as mere tantrum-throwers is a very limited perspective (one we can partially blame snarky bloggers for). Snort giggle and mock all you’d like, though.

Jezebel has been biased toward Clinton and frustrated with Sanders’ refusal to concede for awhile. Jezebel is not Gawker. Jezebel is hugely tilted toward H and always has been. It also hasn’t once really demonstrated the feminist argument for Sanders (I’m a feminist and pro Sanders because my feminism is

Yeah, this selective concern for taxpayer money is extremely silly and transparent. The priorities of the media are so screwed up.

Are you serious? In a country where there appear to be mass shootings every other day, you think it is appropriate to complain about the Secret Service protection costs for Sanders? The primaries have ended just a few days ago. You expected the security detail to abandon Sanders and his family immediately afterwards,

because its not already baked into their 2016 budget or anything

Where would that money go if it weren’t paying for a guy forcing Hillary to the left? It’s not like it’d go back in peoples pockets. The way budgets work, the service would just find other ways to spend it to justify spending in the next cycle.

Oh give me a fucking break! How much coin did Hillary’s support for the Iraq War and regime change in Libya and Syria cost the taxpayers? Enough of the sour fucking grapes from the media. 38k is a haircut for Hillary and weave for the Donald. How much taxpayer money went to funding primary elections for the private

We get it, guys. You don’t agree with sanders still being in the race. Some of us still perceive it as a profoundly important move. The bias is tiring.