
Seriously you think this statement is ok? Maybe on non Dad holiday that’s totally valid, but on said day this seems like you’re completely missing the point.

Sorry, but if a man brought up this story, I would’ve called bullshit even more, because that’s exactly the kind of totally unbelievable story dudes pull out of his asses to look badass, when being actually totally drunk-lost in the woods...

Jezebel: I want to believe

I guess I’ll be that person here and admit that this sounds like a tall tale to me.

Unfortunately, the Amish community houses a large percentage of the worst and most horrific puppy mills in the country, so it’s almost certainly more of an Amish thing than a serial killer thing (though the Amish community has also had massive problems with ignoring and covering up rape and sexual abuse, so probably

Speaking as a guy with a kid, yes. This is a thing of beauty. I strongly suspect that my kid was sent to a grandparent’s house this weekend because my wife would agree whole-heartedly as well.

This is my new favorite gif of ALL TIME


“The fact that we’re talking about her, that Nina Simone is trending? We [f–king] won,” Saldana stated. “For so many years, nobody knew who the [f–k] she was”

I think Zoe should maybe never open her mouth on this subject again. It’s like she’s got a shovel and she wants to keep digging deeper and deeper...

You know? Fuck no-fly lists. They’re pretty useless. I want to see the firearms equivalent of SIP laws. Nearly every state has laws in place to make bartenders culpable if they serve to intoxicated persons. They may not be well enforced, but they’re there and legal precedent.

I agree with you. The No-Fly List has included people who were innocent/confused with others with similar names. I wonder if the ACLU will contest this.

THANK YOU. This is the second time I’ve seen dingoes come up in comments about this child, and it’s like no one ever noticed that that poor lady was exonerated.

I’m just saying, this is a weird conclusion to jump to. This is how those parents in Australia ended up falsely imprisoned when a dingo ACTUALLY DID eat their baby.

i am not here to argue that an animal’s life is greater than a human’s, but

Why the fuck would you take your toddler all the way to Disney World from Nebraska to murder him?? You’re talking nonsense.

Right? I see people defending Disney, saying there were “No Swimming” signs...really? That’s supposed to suffice? They’ve already pulled 5 alligators out of that water. Why are people even allowed to frolic on the banks ffs? Gators watch the edge, run out, and drag their prey in a lot of the time. This is insane. And

I don’t know—the police use the word “diligently” in describing the parents efforts to save their son, they emphasize they were right there and both put forth some degree of effort to struggle with the gator...my impression is they’re trying to dispel the “blame the parents” narrative...

Last I heard there have been 5 alligators pulled from the water, still no sign of the boy. All the radio reports I’m hearing are calling it a “search and recovery” mission now.

The sad thing is that Florida people know that you just don’t enter a body of water except your own bathtub without taking substantial risk. I wonder if “No Swimming” was an adequate warning? Maybe people think it’s about liability or just a hotel rule? Even wading stirs the water up.