
Hi. I’m not sure who will see this because I honestly don’t understand how Kinja works, but I know I have a couple of followers who asked for an update.

It’s nice of you to post this. Unfortunately I’ve been on the hotline or the chat or the phone almost every week for about 4 years. Therapy and pills didn’t work after trying so many times. There’s just no other way out, and the world is so bad.

Trigger warning for suicide.

Your lips to God’s ears.

This is so unnecessarily rude and hilarious I choked on my coffee.

Almost didn’t recognize him in the lead pic. Justin, honey, slow down. Drink some water. Or you are gonna look absolutely unrecognizable (meaning, bad) in 5 years tops.

This needs more stars. By all means, people, celebrate. And then remember the anger and sorrow and impotence that have carried us for a year, and keep fighting like all hell. Never let up until he’s out, preferably replaced by a 50 foot tall Black, lesbian Amazon.

There is a GALAXY of difference between flipping off a white supremacist and, you know, being a fucking white supremacist.

Only a matter of time with this pair. Every single photo I saw of them she was hanging all over him and he looked miserable—couldn’t even fake it for the cameras. I think the lead image is the only picture I’ve seen him smiling with her. Sorry, Selena.

God!! I hate that stupid fucking hand gesture he makes!!

Agree. I think she’s beautiful because she’s kind of “unconventional” looking. She’s of course beautiful on the surface, but to me what’s really attractive about her is that just by looking at her you can tell she’s a goddamn weirdo!

Wendy Williams is good for one thing: gifs.

That’s what I thought! I saw the screencap and was like “who is that??”, then saw the headline, and my lady boner wilted into a question mark


Thank you for sharing this important information

You got followed by a serial killer...?

“The more you restrict the ability of doctors to make a judgment call, the more women will die.”

IS THIS REAL? For the love of god tell me it’s not real.

Where do you live? Do you have a basement? I am an excellent cook.