
Or are dual income like my wife and I, In Cleveland OH we were making 10/hr each full time. No it wasn't great pay, but we got by. And both of us had to beg to get $10/hr Her doing electrical repair for coin-op games and me supervising a team of drivers.

I for one accept his apology. I'm sure that he is quite sorry that there was a live mic to record what he was saying, just like I'm sure that he regrets that his misogyny was broadcast for all to hear. I have no doubt that in the future, he will choose his words more carefully to hide his latent and patent hatred of

Wut? That's it? The article said the windshield was shattered, not cracked.

he's better off just driving drunk and murdering 4 people. I heard you only get probation for that :]

"Likely to face charges."

Charge him with assault with a deadly weapon, at the very least. These are the types of people we DON'T want having a concealed carry permit.

Where in the blue fuck is $20,000 a year considered a decent wage?

Oh, I'm all for unions. Corporations have their lawyers, lobbyists, politicians working on their behalf to suppress benefits, wages, etc., so it's only fair the people actually *creating* the wealth for the wealthy have people working on their behalf as well. I was just pointing out how Joe's stance seemed to change.

I'll just leave this here.

You basically just said "I have my own personal comedians, whose job is solely to make me laugh until my sides hurt."

This is no different than a couple guys I know who are LEO's; anti-union, anti "big Government" and admittedly neo-cons, they are also GULP... Government employees and members of a public sector union, by their own measures the worst kind of union. Basically a self-hating unionist.

I see everyone had a bowl of sour grapes this morning. Either that, or you all have short term memories. This is the same women who has bitched that she gets treated as nothing more than a sex symbol, yet turns around and uses that status in every promotional deal she gets.

This is the same Danica that wants to be taken seriously as an athlete and not just as a sex object, right????

When you see it.

Okay, this is going to get me massacred but here it goes....Do I think Bode is a dick? Most likely. However, people change their minds on wanting to be involved with a child and he changed his and decided he wanted to be involved. A friend of mine is co-raising her child with a man who wanted her to get an abortion,

Let's also not forget that the target employees for things like this aren't college graduates that are saddled with debt. Sure, if I just got a bachelor's degree in some form of engineering and was offered 30-40k, I'd go bankrupt or have to live in a box. On the other hand, if I was a competent high-school grad or

Here's the deal... Unions were necessary in the history of this nation to control the rampant abuses perpetrated by industry. People died doing their jobs and companies did nothing more than get the body out of the way, and that's not right.
Unions came into the picture and did lots of good in securing better

You're right. I'm sure that VW arranges all of the benefits that German workers get out of the kindness of their hearts and it has nothing to do with the organization and support of IG Metall. (That was sarcasm.)

Because employers no longer treat their employees like serfs. Have you read any of the recent articles about how Walmart, Target, Home Depot, etc treat their wage slaves?

It's truly shocking that a group of workers would rather be underpaid, unprotected and operate under the whim of a profit-seeking corporation. It's an epic brainwashing achievement that evil corporate overlords can be very proud of.