Not until Reel Big Fish, Bosstones, Save Ferris, and Goldfinger announce appearances at riotfest
Not until Reel Big Fish, Bosstones, Save Ferris, and Goldfinger announce appearances at riotfest
We’ve had PTS green as well, also had a PTS Yellow PTS Lava Orange
You’re a puppet
i was thinking about how Drumpf would handle it.....
sorry but youre an idiot. hillary was the most qualified candidate to run in the history of politics. that being said I knocked on over 100 doors for Bernie in wisconsin, what did you do?
ah ok, that explains that. I caught an episode last week and noticed that the actor that plays Kens dad is definitely Japanese though
that and with Dr Ken - a show that I assumed was about a korean man and his family - has a japanese wife and a japanese father...
<falls into a pfunk youtube hole>
I got this thing and its golden and im not giving it up for just fucking anything
or how Romney can go and interview with him, or how even rick fucking perry, who said he was a threat to democracy 6 months ago, can accept a cabinet position
agreed, as an Illinois resident, Im partial to the idea of a disabled female veteran minority running against the orange cheeto in 2020
yeah that really upset me, along with Al Gore going there.
Julian Castro
yeah hillary still had more votes in the primary, and had there been no russian hacking and voter supression like the cross-check efforts she would have handily beat Drumpf
sorry two nights ago, I was actually up in Kenosha when this happened but didnt realize it was going on, would have gone
no doubt. have you seen that vox article thats floating around where they go interview a couple who voted for Drumpf and are now scared that its entirely possible that their healthcare is going away?
case in point: the town hall on msnbc last night with Bernie and Drumpf supporters: they were all fawning at how it was a good thing that all of the cabinet appointments, that have the entire world collectively holding their breath, are good because they’re ‘shaking things up’
The problem is in the antarctic ice sea extent *is* extending. The reason is as the average global temperature increases it creates more snow instead of water which creates more ice...
Last week Fox News beat CNN and MSNBC combined. Just sayin’...
yup, same here on the north shore of Chicago.......