
You know, looking at this D&C thing, I always find it fascinating those who have chosen to go down with Donald and/or Melania. Like, these people know they are trash, and even Donald and Melania know they’re trash, which is why they work so hard (and fail) to be anything other than trash. These folks know that Trump

Ah yes, the famous pixar patent on generic CG looking people.

All the European airports I have flown out of are far stricter than the US airports as we are required to pull iPads and tablets out of bags for inspection which is not required in any US airport I have been too.

Guns for all! Health care, not so much!

Who is being a dick? I didn’t say I’m thankful that they were shot.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

Priceless, but can someone explain why a gypsy cab company with no profits is valued at 70 billion?

Run ! Run for your lives !

‘paying specific homages to groups like the Maasai of Southern Kenya and the Suri of Southern Sudan’

Does Barron’s t-shirt indicate he has been offered a position as advisor?

Fuck Trump, fuck the other guy, but fuck this guy in particular.

Next up:

Even though Apple’s policies force other browsers to use Apple’s rendering engine, Chrome on iOS is still way, way, better than Safari. iOS Chrome isn’t all that great, but iOS Safari is a flaky, klunky, mess.

I’m still not sold on having a surveillance device in my living room to listen to music, even one sold by Apple.

Stop kicking the robot dog!

I hope Ajit Pai accidentally gets his novelty mug stuck up his ass.

No, I won’t. I don’t want Amazon Echo, I don’t want Google Home and I don’t want Siri Speaker.

I dont really think Trump cares about anyone but himself

This is the same guy who invaded another country, said his troops weren’t there, and if any troops were there, they must be on vacation.

“What’s the problem with that? We won bitches!” -Republicans.