
Well, look at the source a child of privilege who through connections gets a fancy job. And then wants to lecture others ... I personally still think it’s all a build for her political asperations.

Forgive me , Kinja seems to be having issues with replies. And I didn’t check that it selected the right person when I clicked.

“ And I say this as someone who thinks she has also brought a lot of her problems on herself.”

Maybe it’s Kinja powered? Becuase that’s been fucking up like crazy for the last few days ..

Nice screen shots but obviously you didn’t understand that article. But don’t worry it’s author Matt Novak also didn’t.

“Fiat Chrysler Boss Still Doesn’t Think Electric Quality Cars Are The Future”

“3 guys having good time.”

A day or two at the most ....

You do realise many modern cars have an event data recorder which your insurance company and possibly authorities will look at.

“But European cars tend to be flop in America:”

But when you blame their systems for the crash they have a right to defend themselves. There is long his history of people blaming cars for unintended acceleration when it was case of the foot on the wrong pedal .

Based on the amount of pictures like this found in a quick search . There seems to be lots of confusion about these two pedals.

“Top 10 Places to Find Awesome Things to 3D Print”

Exactly this is obviously worth $5.55.

I can’t believe you admit to owning that thing...

And sadly I don’t think these guys can make anything entertaining. I turned them off 20 minutes into the show....

“The incident does not initially appear to be tied to an earlier crash of a U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds demonstration team jet crash.’

“This Water Bottle Flip Is The Best Damn Thing I’ve Seen In A Long Long Time”

Gawker isn’t going to pay for a good aviation / military writer. The fact that they had Tyler here for awhile was a fluke ...

Dammit, you’re running the author’s narrative with pesky facts ...LOL