Exactly how much is “hella money” ?
“Seriously though, are you more surprised than when you found out something you were expecting to happen actually happened, y or n.”
“hiding behind your anonymous profile”
“I think we’ve all been in the ungodly state of panic that ensues as you watch the little battery slowly drain to zero in the corner of your phone.”
I’m just curious as to who exactly it boosts their image with? I don’t know any real people that play games like that.
I’m looking forward to the day the revolution comes and we can put all these people up against the wall...
So what do Bros buy ?
Well that’s what you get for doing business with Bros ...
Sounds like this bothers you more that it should .....
“What’s the point of this post? Trying to discredit the number of actual reservations?”
Well, at least it wasn’t stolen by a Geordie, because then no one would know what the fuck he’s saying...
“Does it honestly not bother you that Bernie supporters are sending death threats to a woman who, as far as I can tell, was just doing her job?”
I don’t know, I’ve attended a political meeting that had some “excitement’ the media was there. But what I saw that night on the news didn’t reflect reality in the slightest. They wanted drama and that’s what they chose to show...
I see a lot of coverage about the crazed responses by some Sanders supporters. But almost no mention of the BS the Nevada state democratic party tried to pull that got all these idiots riled up in the first place.
Congratulations Sean, a response worthy of a 13 year-old.....
But even based on your comment “or about one quarter of American adults”
It’s not only the handwriting skills ... It’s the ability to focus on the work at hand and record the required the data etc.. Nothing like walking in on a guy and finding out he hasn’t logged anything for last 4 hours ( because surfing the web or facebook was more interesting ) and he’s desperately trying to fill out…
Because they lie ; )
I ‘ve always thought that a portion of the US population would welcome a fascist dictator. I think Trump has given those people permission to come out of the woodwork ...