
I guess you‘ve never heard of animal sanctuaries....

Or you if you really cared you could put them in a sanctuary. Where unlike a zoo they aren’t exposed to stressful situation of being continuously on display.... ( lots has been written about the stress and anxiety caused to animals on display )

That’s why Trump is making American great again by voicing unpopular opinions like bigotry and xenophobia.

‘ but some zoos do actually help and protect animals.”

“Right, zoos are just the main groups actively involved in animal conservation.”

Well, so far they’ve built a car that can’t actually move.

“How the fuck is it “annoying” in the first place?!”

So by your logic what do smokers deserve ? Lung Cancer ?

How about you keep your smoke or vape to yourself ?

“, but as long as people do it away from everyone else who doesn’t want to be near it”

The American Taliban

“The Worst Sport To Watch In The World”

Sadly this Fisker didn’t make Biber disappear....

Is the insulation on these also so sound conductive that you hear the cable every time it touches something ?

Is the insulation on these also so sound conductive that you hear the cable every time it touches something ?

I like the Clinton narrative that only young people are supporting Bernie at my WA state caucus site one of the largest in the state it was overwhelmingly middle-aged people ( like me ) and older people that showed up . And Hillary got trounced...

“Watch out! It’s the revenge of the upper middle class educated middle-aged woman!”

“4) He’s shorter than Putin.” ( Sanders 5'10"or 11 “- Putin 5'7" ) I have stood within 5ft of Sanders and he very close to my height 5'11"

I think you’re painting too rosy of a picture here.

Don’t quit your day job to go into comedy ...

A friend of mine ordered a Morgan he was on the list for almost 9 years. He actually bought a used one while waiting for his car.