
Call it by it’s real name... Rama.

Ack, Ack,Ack,

Honestly, since Google sold Motorola, I don't know a single person that actually owns a Google branded hardware device of any kind.

I remember when $350 seemed like a LOT to spend on a phone. How times have changed. 

Reality TV.

For those of you into these things, the max reading was “> 437500 CPM”, where 437,500 counts per minute was the limit of the Mazur Instruments PRM-9000.

Ann (not her real name), a former colleague and close friend of mine for a couple of decades now, was to undergo treatment for thyroid cancer. A typical approach to this is that surgeons remove as much of the thyroid as possible, then the patient is treated with radioactive iodine. Thyroid cells absorb iodine. So the

In WWII, Ford and other companies stopped making their products to make actual weapons. Without that effort, Germany would have easily won the war.  

This reveal sucked. 

Now playing

Flight of the Navigator wasn’t great but this scene had a disproportionate effect on my childhood

Have you ever offered cash to someone and have them not greet it with absolute delight? Guessing not.

Using Android Messages app on my Galaxy S7. I type a text, I press the send button, the other person gets my text. This works either on my phone or in a Chrome tab. Not sure what the problem is.

How can it head toward the sun during a winter storm?

But the flip side of that is you have to go to a Genuis bar to get anything Apple related fixed (or a Apple certified Third Party Provider). You have no other option and if you don’t have Apple Care, hello stupid expensive fix.

Thanks for your take on that, 8x10, but I’m not sure it tells the whole story.  Now I don’t want to get too technical about this - I realize that some of the jargon that we astrophysicists use can be a little impenetrable to the layman - but if this really was a meteorite impacting the lunar surface then wouldn’t we

Another “everything is caused by climate change” story.

I’ve automated all of my phone’s functions and now can leave it home and go about my day unmolested by my tech

Lyman said reckless driving charges against the teen were being considered...”