
Can’t wait until currency goes digital. Then our money all be safe (/s). Of course, purchases will never again be private. Every single thing you pay for can be traced to you. No more hidden income. No more lying on your taxes. Won't it be cool?

I saw one of these weird ass trucks on I-44 in SW Missouri once.

For us slightly older generation, how about movies turning 50 this year

There was a family that used to live two doors down from us. One of their boys must have had this, or something similar. He was about 5. They had a hard time keeping clothes on him. He would cuss a blue streak! Always disobeying his parents. If they threatened to whoop him he would yell “Go ahead! Whoop me! I didn’t

Also, I've never seen a house plumbed where you could actually get something INTO a water line. That is, without taking something apart somewhere.

a far better choice than tossing a ball of epoxy down the drain and crossing your fingers.”

One Christmas Eve, about 45 years ago, my wife and I were taking stuff to my brothers house out in the country near Ava Missouri. We passed some farm house just as the whole family was coming out the door. Grandma, her grown kids, grandkids, and probably great grandkids. Grandma was wearing a moomoo. With obviously no

I always make 3 dozen buttermilk biscuits at once. As a quart of buttermilk is just the right amount. No waste. After cooling, 18 stack just right in a gallon ziploc bag. I hate store bought bread. So I bake my own. When cool, I slice it, put parchment paper between each slice and freeze in a ziploc. It only takes

They are worth whatever someone will pay for them. Really depends on the condition. I see many completed eBay sales right now that went for $100 to $300. Try listening some of them and see what you can get.

What we used to do, back in the day, was a huge party favorite. I had a big 5 gallon glass bottle. I would put a tablespoon or two of rubbing alcohol in it, roll it around a bit, then stand it up and drop a lit match into it. The result was different every time. Sometimes it was a rocket like flame. Sometimes it was a

Well, most of them. We have a cat that doesn't mind it at all. She kinda likes it.

It's been long enough ago now, that I can't remember the exact date on it. Sorry. I would have to dig deep on an old computer to see if I still have a scan of it.

Several years ago, I inherited my Uncle’s silver coin collection. Most were foreign. Which I sold to a local coin dealer for the silver content. One of the other coins was a very nice late 1800's silver eagle. I never got it professionally valued, but I sold it on eBay for well over $200.

Depends on where you live. Check your city codes. Here the building permit for a detached shed is about twice as much as a detached garage. So if you put an overhead door on the shed, it is now a garage and is cheaper. Doesn't matter that you can't get anything bigger than a riding mower to it.

I can’t quite figure out that drain system. Anything coming down that flexible pipe (from dishwasher maybe? I don't see one next to the sink) Is going to go right into the white tub full of brushes.

I can’t believe, no mention of a biscuit sandwich. An egg, some cheese and whatever type of meat inside of a fresh hot buttermilk biscuit. Doesn’t get any better.

I had a Frankincar, done up with zip ties, pull up next to me at the gas pump a few weeks ago.

Some time after the (stupid) movie The Scorpion King came out, I saw a documentary about the real guy. One thing they talked about, was the area where one of his major battles took place. A flat place, with low hills around it. On these hills, many broken clay pots were found. When residue in some was analyzed, it was

How does a train kill 2 days?

I was working barefoot in the kitchen once many years ago. Picked up a sharp knife. It slipped out of my hand. I just instinctively pulled my foot back. The knife stuck in the floor, right where my foot had been.