
Up until two years ago, we rode our horses around our city, giving many, many kids rides. Even kids of kids we had given rides to. Anyway, every house or yard with a dog that we passed all those years, the dog would bark at the horses. People were always trying to apologize for the dogs. We would always tell them not

That sure is a funny looking socket in that image. Where do you push the plug in?

Eh. I just tried it on my Pixel 6. I like the old way better. More colorful.

I would also include Absolute Power. Based on the novel by David Baldacci. The movie is all about the robber. In the book, he is a very small part of the story.

Our problem wasn’t so much a sticking door, but squeaky hinges that no amount of cleaning and lubrication would fix. If your door is an older, heavy solid wood one, good luck finding hinges that will match the screw holes already in the door and frame.

It would be nice if a real Honda employee would post here, saying how much cash is involved.

I forgot. It's a bit more work, but I would recommend cooking the apples with the skin still on. Then run them through a manual food mill to remove the skins. The natural pectin will help thicken the butter.

I’ve not had a problem with my Pixel 6 turning on in my pocket. But now that I think about it, I have always kept it screen out. The most annoying thing I see, is that often as I am scrolling through a page, it will start to select text.

That’s the only reason we buy it. We have very few kids in our neighborhood. So we don’t even bother trying to give any out on Halloween. On a good year, we might have 6 or 8 families.

I would call this flavored apple sauce. True apple BUTTER is cooked much, much longer. Like 6 to 8 hours. It gets much thicker, and full jars can be kept sealed at room temperature for years 

What! No mention of Piccard as Scrooge? For shame!

Looks to me like he is thinking “Oh, man! Is THAT guy going to sit down next to ME! Man, I dislike him. Oh, well. Nothing I can do about it. Might as well smile.”

Better yet, go for a fall float trip on The Buffalo River. Water levels permitting. If it’s too low, just hike or bike or horseback ride any of the amazing trails in the park.

I’m old school. A Colman pump up lantern for light. A flashlight just in case. And a Colman pump up camp stove for when the wood is wet. I can’t remember ever taking a tarp. Only camp tools we ever took were a bow saw and a hatchet. Always used an inflatable mattress.

Not quite as classic, but we used to have a 1973 F100. Ugly thing. People that had it before us had painted it JD green with a brush. I loved that ugly old thing. Even if the big V8 only got about 5 mpg. It was very rusty. I don't think there was much holding the cab on. On evening, it got hit in the rear while parked

neighbors piling up 18 bags of leaves for the landfill.”

About a year ago, my score dropped 44 points for no reason. No hits. Nothing changed in the amount of our credit, income or our lives. Never have found out why.

Wishful thinking.

That has always been my thought. Maybe it won't be noticed for 100 years. But then someone notices that there is now a 520 foot rock heading right at us. "Say, didn't they nudge that one about 100 years ago?"

Get The kids to do it. When I was a kid, my Mom was always repapering some room. Sometimes she would have to rent a steam machine to remove several layers. I loved running that thing!