
I’m no rocket scientist either. But with a bit of looking, I found that the Orion capsule is about 16.5 feet in diameter. The HL is something over 12 feet. Things are launched all the time with payloads of bigger diameters than the rocket. Just need to build the correct adapter.

You don’t need a frying pan to cook a fish. Just gut it, and leave the head on. Now take a nice heavy straight stick, and run it through the fish’s mouth, deep into the body. Now roast it just like you would a hotdog.

I have never, and I will never ever click on anything that says “ad.” I see way too many of them without clicking anything anyway.

Tampons should be on the top of the list. Never, ever flush them. I’ve had more than one plumber tell me that they are the number one cause of clogs. Well, that was before wet wipes came out. That may have taken the lead now.

Why not try slapping the salami WHILE you test your ex?

When my parents got married in the 1930s, someone gave my Mom a spice rack. The only spices she ever used were salt and pepper. Well, except for cinnamon, nutmeg and a bit of ginger when making cookies, of course. When my older brother got married in the 1960's, she gave him the same spice rack. He used everything in

Very quick search brought up this.

In all of the years I’ve been taking cars to be inspected, I have never been pressured to have a failure fixed there. The few times I had a failure, it was like “This is what did not pass. Bring it back within two weeks, when it is fixed, and we will inspect it again for free.”

If you watch, just as the little guy goes off to the left, the white tip of his wing goes bouncing along, and comes to rest.

When I first saw your first line, I thought “Is he wanting a way to get rid of his toddler? No! No way! He wouldn’t do that. Would he?”

There are two other options that are not mentioned. 4ft welded wire and T posts will run about $ 1.70 a foot. Only problem with this, is it does not do well with a string trimmer. For something much more durable, 4ft welded field fencing and T posts will run about $2.60. it has much bigger holes, though. So a small


When I was a kid, our next door neighbor lady was a proper southern lady. Her name was Ima June. I found out sometime or other, that her maiden name was Bugg.

First thing I do with a new shower head, is rip out that stupid flow restrictor!!

Probably not a good idea to sit at your desk without a shirt on, also.

My first thought, was what kind of horse trailer are we talking about.

No. I got one from Burger King when they added it to the current 2 for $6 deal. And they are cooked on the same grill machine as the regular Whopper. So it does pick up some of the meat juices. Still didn’t taste like beef. As I said, it was ok. Had a good flavor. But not what I would call “just like beef.” YMMV. If

No, Impossible burgers do not taste exactly like meat. They are not bad. Just different.

Ford said “Just the tip.”

The SciFi channel did a TV movie in 1993, called Official Denial. Of course, the acting isn’t the greatest, but it has an interesting twist to who the aliens are, and why they are here. And, it had Erin Gray in it. She was always nice to watch back then. It's available on YouTube.