
My wife keeps an original iPhone that we inherited from my Dad by her side of the bed. She only uses it to check the weather. It's on airplane mode, and connected to WiFi. She hates smart phones. Won't have one. She uses a cheap flip phone.

The problem we have had with heirloom cherry tomatoes, is that they split open just before they ripen. This year, we bought a hybrid verity. Not a problem with splitting so far. They are not quite as tasty. But not bad. A bit more tart, I guess.

This joke goes back to the 60's. It looks like it just may come true!

The vast majority of them will die of starvation, be eaten by predators, or move off to other areas before they mature enough to start singing. Still, if only 50 or so stay around to mating age, it could be rather noisy in a couple of years.

I didn’t say, or think, that there is no other life out there. Just that I feel that when the time is right, we will meet them. Just not yet. We have too many problems.

I just figure that given the time scale of the universe, we just aren’t ready to meet our neighbors yet. We just moved in. Haven't even started cutting the tape on the boxes. 

Well, in my case, it works better if I DO swallow the pill with water. Take a couple of swallows first, pop in the pill, take a mouth full of water and swallow. Make sure the pill is as far back as it will go first. For multivitamin, easier with food. Usually take it while eating breakfast.

As we used to say, get under your desk, put your head between your knees, and kiss your ass goodbye.

Ooo. That's a good idea. Thanks.

Have you ever noticed all the warnings on the huge sticker on a ladder? That is because everyone of those things, is because of a lawsuit. I used to know a man (he is now dead) that worked for a company that did ladder repair. He told me of a case where a man had put his ladder against his barn to do some repairs. He

There is an easier way to have a warm biscuit than going to all this trouble for only 4 (or 5 if you regroup the cut off bits).

What? No slideshow with pictures?

Sorry, I totally disagree with you. You can do it if you like living dangerously. But for me, I will never put cooked meat back on the same tray that had raw meat on it.

We went to a cookout at some friend’s house once. They had grown kids. So they both had been cooking a long time. When I saw him putting cooked burgers back on the same tray he brought out the raw ones on, I made sure I got one right off the grill.

Didn’t you read the section titled:

As I was scrolling down past all the junk after the last one, to get to the comments, I thought I saw a line that said “Clean out these other slideshows.”

The best cheese for a burger is what you like best. Doesn't matter what other people say. If you like it. Eat it.

No, it really happened. My parents knew the family. The family my parents helped learn English, and taught how to drive, eventually opened an Oriental buffet restaurant. Until both me parents past away, that family would never let my Dad pay for their meals. He would try to sneak up when the bosses were not looking,

Way back when the US was taking in the Boat People from Vietnam, my parents church sponsored several families. Of course most of them could not speak English. They just bought stuff at the grocery store by sight. One family had been eating dog food because it had a picture of a dog on the can. They thought it was

Ooo! I hadn’t noticed that photo. That is extremely dangerous. Would not want to be that guy if he hits a rock. Or a kids toy. Besides covering you with chopped up grass.