
When I was in my late teens, I went to visit my then GF’s grandparents. The old lady taught me that to make great biscuits, you have to use your hands to mix everything in (this is where the term "making biscuits" for the thing cats do with their paws comes from). A lot sticks to your hands mixing in the buttermilk,

Predestination from 2014 should be on the list. Really twisted time travel movie.

My solution is to make 3 dozen biscuits when I do have time, and freeze them. Then just microwave one for 30 seconds for a fresh, hot goodie.

I have a Moto G6. I have two alarms set 15 minutes apart. I was wondering why I slept through both alarms one morning a couple of weeks ago.

Nasty black snake? They’re harmless. They may try to lung at you to scare you off. But if you can catch one without getting bitten, they calm down quite quickly. Then you can handle them all you want. We kept one for a couple of months one time. The cage was about a 3ft cube, and had a big stick going diagonal. That

I think that lead photo is a ring-neck snake. Tiny little harmless guy. Smaller than a pencil.

I play solitaire a lot on my phone. Quite often, a lost game will end with 110 points. What d'ya suppose it means?

Strange. I've never heard of that before. I guess now I know about it, I'm going to see it more and more.

They just add a little bit more protein.

Yes, they will loose something.

I've got an old Farberware Super Fast 4 cup percolator. Makes the best coffee I know of. In 3 minutes.

If you like physics and puzzles, I can recommend Brain It On! You basically have to draw something to move an object, or get balls into something. Some are super easy, some are quite challenging. Most work with your finger, but some puzzles are better if you use a stylus.

I think he was probably testing hay for mycotoxins. This is caused by high moisture causing hay to mold. Aflatoxins are in grains and nuts.

They are always regular articles on my phone. Just don't hit the "Start slideshow" button, and start scrolling. On a computer, simply narrow the browser window, and start scrolling.

Don't carwashes recycle the water? How much fresh water is used per vehicle? I'm sure it must be less than what you would use on your driveway.

Always did wonder where the % was! 

Thanks. I’ve always grumbled to myself about having to switch to numbers keyboard to type any numbers.

Have a French last name, with a gn in it. Of course, everyone seeing it written, pronounces it like the g in pig and the n like north. Instead of the correct “ny” sound.

I've heard that there is no scientific name for boogers.