8th of November Freedom Brigade

I know we’re taking the middle path here but it’s clear what happened: She accused someone very powerful of sexual assault and she has been detained until she retracted the accusation.

Right? That particular take was frankly stupid.

Ma’am, you mean Michelle who has a master’s in foreign policy Kwan right? Or Michelle state department advisor Kwan?, or how out Michelle who has served under 2 presidents Kwan? Because even one freaking click to her insta would have informed you that she's qualified. She's spent the last 15 years devoted to politics. 

They. Do. Not. Care. About. Us.

I only saw part of the interview but Jennifer Hough’s pain, trauma and ptsd were so obvious that I have tears in my eyes and a tight throat as I type. Sis talked of deliberately dressing to prevent a repeat occurrence. Just devastating. Women are punished for not being considered attractive and women are also punished

Not liking a 7 year old’s haircut is not license to cut their fucking hair, what the fuck.  The racial bias is a society that makes this somehow seem reasonable EVEN FOR A FUCKING SECOND to this librarian, instead of realizing that it’s not her hair, so it’s not her fucking place.  Different people can have different

While I love the way Hannah-Jones bent UNC to her will and then dropped them anyway — and I recognize the importance of someone of her caliber going to a HBCU — part of me is a little sad that she won’t be going to where her instruction and wisdom is most sorely needed. I suspect the kids attending an HBCU are already

“Attempted Child Endangerment” is a pretty interesting way to say “tried to rape a 15 year old child.”

This is so true.

I agree, but at least in the Stodden case, Teigen had talked about wanting to address it and talk it out, but still had them blocked so they literally couldn't. 

I discovered during the pandemic that I get sick every single time I eat zucchini, so I have to avoid it now. It’s a shame because I loved using shredded zucchini in veggie burritos.

I can’t remember where I read it but there’s research that shows bullies either don’t remember what they did or they downplay it or they don’t think they did anything wrong.

Owls, there just like me!

Just read the story and it’s so horrifying and gross. I’m so tired of seeing similar stories.

I’m fully vaccinated and I might wear a mask forever. This past weekend I went to my sister’s wedding where the vast majority of friends and family were vaccinated. So I thought, I’m mask free. Now I have a cold, my sinus hurts, my head hurts and my nose is a faucet. If all I have to do to avoid this regular misery

Being white (not actually white but subscribing to the culture) is a cult. They are indoctrinated very early. They are told they are the best of everything and that white people saved the world. They are the spreaders of civilization and peace, i.e. tamers of the savage lands. They rewrite history as the victors and

Oh you motherfucker! So he waited and had one of his thirsty tantrums for days and let shit expire....and then signed the fucking bill and now will make people jump through all the bullshit hoops ahhhhhgain to try and get help.

As for this, I think that’s what AOC and the Squad are doing here. Not sure what you are suggesting otherwise, they are incredibly junior and have media influence and not much else when it comes to the levers of power.

I don’t know any of the people involved, but my guess is these women might rest easier in peace if we all got a little more outraged at a system that allows this person get a four-month prison sentence (“rough” or otherwise) and now have to cope with some sadness.

To each his own.  I want to make stories like this not

Welcome to the Machine, Mayor Lightfoot. Understand now that you are siding with the police over your constituents, and understand as well that no matter what you do to protect the police, they will never, ever, EVER get your back, and they will throw you under the bus the first chance they get.