8th of November Freedom Brigade

Politics aside, the baseline guide I use is: Would I have been fired for doing this at work? In this case, absolutely. No “cancel culture” (which isn’t a thing) here, just a employee getting fired for being a fuck up. If it weren’t for his socio-economic position this wouldn’t even be a discussion.

Barr served his purpose. He’s a white nationalist legal whore. Doesn’t matter whether he quit or resigned. He was out in a month regardless.

It easy to dismiss this as a waste & a grift to raise even more than the $170 million and counting so far. But fact is, if Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Texas and West Virginia are NOT

I don’t think it is stupidity. Racism and white supremacy find a home in intelligent minds. Just evil ones.

Obviously. The fact that he jerked it DURING a work session - regardless of whether he thought the camera was on or off, and I’m inclined to believe he knew it was on and was getting a thrill from forcing the women present to witness his manhood in all its glory - shows he thought he was above such petty concerns as

Boil it all down to willful stupidity.

He also used this old chestnut about how she CAN’T be racist:

AHAHAHAHA Fuck lady you just cost your husband his job because you’re a racist piece of trash and your “medication” let your hate loose upon the world loudly instead of only in your thoughts. Did Kamala prosecute you for being a dildo without a license or something back when she was San Francisco’s DA? Who has this

It’s worked great for the evangelists. “GOD SAYS I NEED A NEW JET!” Where do I send the money?

Great. The government will spend an extra $50 million on Secret Service so Jill can make $100K a year. That sounds very cute. I guess it’s a little more productive than presidential golf outings but much more expensive.

The two relevant Republican senators are actually already calling for the Secretary of State’s job due to vague “problems” or “failures” during the election.

The fact that Biden (probably) won Georgia indicates a serious breakdown in the voter suppression process. Somebody better get their act together before January or heads are gonna roll, dammit!

Wow. White College Graduate men actually flipped *16 POINTS* away from Trump to end up +2 Biden...while White College Graduate Women went completely the other way, from +7 Clinton to +1 TRUMP.


Just wow.  I don’t even know how to unpack that.

What we learned is that many White people lied. We have learned that many Americans, our neighbors, our cousins, our friends, so called “allies”, “suburban moms”, “moderates”, “independents” are lying cowards who lie to gullible pollsters. The dishonesty and the cowardice is very much on brand for those that don’t have

I think these men like Trump for the same reason a lot of white men like him. He’s vulgar. That’s it in a nutshell. And if you call women bitches and hos, and you think it’s cool to beat up on women or grab them by the pussy, or you see no need to spend your rap money on your children, then you will be drawn to

Flat out kill their mamas, that’s it really. And even then... you’d think Kanye West would’ve paused and thought of the role of systemic racism involved in his mother deciding to go under the knife and the treatment that system gave her up to her death aided and abetted by fiscal conservative policies wrapped in a

And 50? He’s best at sticking to being one of the best IG trolls ever.

It’s so damn sad watching his spawn vie for his non-existent affections.

“What I think is so powerful—when my father says that he’s going to... there will be a cure for AIDS in the next 10 years, there will be, and God bless,” Tiffany said. “Like, thank you. Like, yes.”

This is perhaps why the word “supposedly” figures into Jezebel as a “feminist website”. When I first saw it, I was like; “Huh, wonder why they put that in there?”