8Ringer (irrational hater of Subaru)

Simply put, the FAA does not fuck around. Ever. The stick up their ass has a stick up its ass and as a result, everyone everywhere follows the rules. When rules are followed, planes don’t fall out of the sky. The FAA is a large part of the reason why air travel is the safest mode of transportation on this planet.

Asking that question unequivocally proves you are not a boomer. So, sit back and let me spin you a yarn...

Sure, but what typically happens is people start reducing even the time they “have to do” driving. Yeah, you have to go to the grocery store to eat, but what if you normally go a couple times a week, so you scale back to once a week... or instead of once a week, you go twice a month. Instead of hitting the store 10

SO they screw you on 9/10ths of a penny lol

Thanks Obama

I mean, I think you’re missing the point that they can (and most likely will) codify that independence as part of the acquisition agreement. Bungie was not in dire need to be acquired and based on how much Sony is paying for them, it certainly seems like they had a fair amount of leverage in the overall negotiations.

Something...something... inelasticity of demand.

It’s maddening, and especially difficult if they skirt the rules. I’ve been warned for “encouraging discussion of controversial topics” on Steam for saying I don’t respect bigotry even if the excuse is “cultural.” My first time seeing a swarm of bigots off hand was Star Wars Squadrons, with echo chamber topics

Farm work is a bit of a special case because farm labor in the US has *always* been performed by an underclass that essentially has no power to push for better wages and treatment.
First we had chattel slavery, where laborers were literally owned by their bosses.
Then we had sharecropping, where laborers were kept in

Thing is.. this sort of work ethic exists in America. I’ve seen it. Many times. But there has to be a reason other than “the CEO wants to make more money”

When Musk works those kind of hours, raises a family and is present for family events while not neglecting his work, AND does it all for under X amount a year (depending on market), then he can talk.

So let’s talk about it honestly. A child with an illegally obtained firearm crossed state lines and, while only equipped with said gun (instead of the first aid he claimed to possess), brandished it at multiple unarmed civilians. After being called out for being the punk he was, he shot and killed an unarmed man after

I think things have gotten out of hand when developers should be expected to be concerned about the feelings of “the speedrunning community”. Acommunity” that in part seems to depend on software behavior the game developers didn’t intend to begin with, let alone sign up to commit to having to consider when making

Eh, I’m bummed I can’t play co-op but it’s understandable. I’m also not somebody who gets upset about being done with a game because if I want to play it again in the future I can always pick it up.

Counterpoint: when did things like this happen with Saturn?

I never understood complaining about “virtue signalling.” When I was growing up, that was called leading by example and it was generally considered a good thing.

And “woke,” too.

Cancel culture? Every time I hear those words, I know the user is a fucking asshole who just wants to fuck people over without consequence.

1: Do asshole thing and show it for all to see.

It wasn’t until the initial lockdown that I decided to go nuts with landscaping and decided I needed a wheelbarrow for various projects.