Your continued defense of your shitty take, while admirable, is merely cementing that fact that you’re wrong.
Your continued defense of your shitty take, while admirable, is merely cementing that fact that you’re wrong.
Man I’d be on board, but I couldn’t afford that with young kiddos at the moment. My 200hp 6MT Audi wagon will have to do for now...
I’m actually pretty sure that much of the reason for shorter windows is because of pedestrian safety standards (hard glass windows aren’t conducive to not injuring soft/boney humans) and more robust side impact standards requiring more robust crash structures in the doors.
What the hell are you on about dude? Try driving a crossover or small SUV these days, you can’t see shit. Safety standards are to blame, not BMW.
I want to believe...But I am not holding my breath...
~202 mile range. Long road trips.
I mean, I don’t see the fucking problem here. Thats a solid fucking hit and what can you do about it?
Wat? What the hell does sustained peak power mean in terms of cars that are driven on normal roads by normal people? And not only how do you measure that but why is it a metric worth finding out and printing?
Having also had a ‘99 9-3 HOT for a couple years, those things have torque for days. Such great engines, it makes me sad that GM so thoroughly fucked over Saab...
Gotta agree. Learning a skill in order to recover losses on a project is never a bad thing IMO.
Good lord, was that second video shot by a potato?
You must not have kids...
Your opinion-presented-as-fact confuses me. By that metric we should all be driving civics because the most important factor for a car to exist is simple transportation, getting me from point a to point b.
Hahah, I’ve never been in a Lotus, but I think I understand that feel, man.
I’ve owned 4 different german cars and I’d never hesitate to jump in one and drive a few thousand miles. Admittedly, my current DD needs 1qt/1400 miles due to oil consumption but I’ll be solving that issue soon, but thats a minor annoyance, not a “broken down in the middle of nowhere” annoyance.
The no manual option REALLY grinds my gears. I think the Guilia is beautiful and honestly would consider a CPO one maybe at some point. But only if it has a manual, which it doesn’t so...yea...nevermind.
There are other metrics that make a car great that have nothing to do with reliability.
Not people who are buying $75k+ luxury EVs. Thats my point. Some will, there are always who will, regardless of how much money they have, but others just want what they want and would rather not go through the negotiation charades just to save a couple hours of their salary.