8Ringer (irrational hater of Subaru)

You could do it that way but it would involve reading lots of real-time variables (like fuel rail pressure, injector duty cycle, spray duration, RPMs, and AFR) and mathing. I’m sure thy’ve just programmed a map based on RPM and load or MAF readings (assuming this engine has a MAF) and just spitball it and send that

Yield means you let oncoming traffic pass until there is a reasonable amount of space to pull into their lane. Did you watch the video? Because its quite clear had he just pulled out he would have been in the wrong....

I’m going to be that guy...you meant to say fallibility, not fallacy.

That seems more a commentary on rich entitled folks than it is on dealer shadiness...

This. If she wasn’t deluding herself into believing she ACTUALLY DESERVED TO BE THERE, then sure... If she just owned up to the fact that she truly, by all objective standards, sucked at skiing, then there would be far less hate.

My audi does the same thing. What is annoying is I KNOW the system knows, but it just won’t tell you. If you plug in a VCDS scan tool you can read each sensor individually...

Side note, and mostly-unrelated, but a person near me has a Nissan Pao. I walked by it a bunch assuming it was some weird Austin, but curiosity finally got the best of me and saw the PAO badge on it and googled it. Such bizarre/cool/only-in-japan cars!

Do I need to point out the sides you’re conveniently ignoring there?

Right? There are flats on the sides of the headlights...

When have you ever had a 5 minute negotiation with a salesperson or finance person? Come on man...

Yup. My Audi is the same way. There might be space on the body plugs for the pins or wires, but the pins and wires usually aren’t there. There are some exceptions but with wiring the harnesses tend to be bespoke for the options that the car was built with.

But as it is, there are 8 sides. so yea, if you straighten out a few sides then yes, its a hexagon. Unfortunately, thats not how geometry works.

Sounds like a massive waste of time. If you enjoy wasting your time sitting in dealer’s finance rooms and dealing with salespeople, then sure, go nuts.

Not sure you know what a hexagon is...

Was going to say this. In any event, I concur.

RS4 Avant please. RS6 is acceptable as well...

Oh god, at least that many. You could probably go to any ski area in the world on any given day and find a woman more qualified than her.

I think the only complement you can use to describe her run is “she didn’t fall”. Commendable for a beginner? Sure.

If by “proper technique” you mean her doing a pizza the whole way down with her knock-knees touching, then sure..