If it has a MAF it could be a really simple AFR/Airflow approximation as well. Both are somewhat trivial on a modern ECU.
If it has a MAF it could be a really simple AFR/Airflow approximation as well. Both are somewhat trivial on a modern ECU.
Good god this is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. #muricafuckyea
This is an absurd comment. Congrats.
Liberal Arts isn’t a major, you philistine.
This. You have to look farther ahead than the car in front of you (assuming you can) but thats good practice while driving anyway...
This. No idea why everyone always talks about how horrible manuals are in traffic. Having driven manuals and autos in the same traffic, I prefer my manual. In TRUE stop and go it can get tedious, but thats only when you have to contend with buffer-eaters. If traffic allows you to average 2-3 car lengths of buffer then…
Super Tremendous Street Fighter 2: Nuclear
Median income here was $80k in 2016, but in the metro area I suspect its even higher. But cost of living scales pretty closely.
Lolwut? $40/hr? Are you high?
X2 on air filters. My old Audi was having weird stuttering acceleration issues and after some exhaustive diagnosis I turned up blank and just accepted it.
Did you convert them to sRGB color space? If you don’t browsers will totally bork the image...
Such a good deal you can’t afford NOT to buy a whole case....
You forgot to include “/s” right? ........ Right?!
“As is, I do think the emblem is a bit of an afterthought”
Please cite your sources for rotting VW/Subaru frames. Thanks...
Disagree. It lines up with the “arrow’ that the window trim forms before the c-pillar and as far as balancing the panel, it is perfectly placed.
Weird...I don’t hate that...
“Eh. I’ve had people to worse to me for far more disturbing and arbitrary reasons. People American driver are shit and at least 40% of them should never EVER have been granted a license in the first place.”
MB’s codes would be bonkers. I would try to do the math, but math iz hrd...