I don't understand the picture.
I don't understand the picture.
First thing I do when I find QuickTime has taken over a file association, on a PC anyway, is reassociat it with MPC. Quicktime is a horrible player.
Ive never had any interest in a BB. They ju st dont have a co ol factor and for a long time they were thicker and cheaper looking than other smart phones. But they have a huge customer base and established business integration. Maybe this is a beginning of the end, but I don't think that end is going to happen any…
@Jesse Scroggins: where's the snark? I only see a statement of fact. Nothing like "you bunch of dummies" or "you got it wrong like you always do."
@elementary: its not? That answers a lot .of questions.
Hope this model has better light sensitivity and lower noise. Previous model was uttercrap.
75mb of activity log? BS. Oh, I guess everyone already knows that. There seems to be actually zero honesty from corporations these days. No wonder people are so rabid against them these days. They do nothing but lie cheat and steal every way they can. It's really, really sad.
@Incoherent: nice fantasy. The speed, that is. Inaccurate word be more appropriate than incoherent.
This is kind of sick.
@b33g33: uh, no. Only white people get dark enough tan lines for this to be funny. It's not racist, its practical.
@Tiger-Fever: you mean you're not giving any kicks...for a while, anyway.
@dregev: that's a reasonable question, but it's just as reasonable that a news service would have an account just for the purpose of reporting on it. What's less reasonable is that the login here has an integration with Facebook.
@dufus: It's basically a self sign up service for identity theft, stalking home invasion, a complete lack of privacy and exposure to all kinds of mischief. I guess it's for masochists? You should give it a try.
This doesn't really bother me. It bothered me before when it seemed like there was gross alterations. But like Brian says "how unnecessary they all are" which basically alludes to the fact that they aren't all that much different from the originals and don't really portray that BP is doing something that they aren't…
@Tycho Vhargon: Hey, looking at these it doesn't really look like BP did anything particularly heinous. Just normal photo tweaks. Dammit, we need more fodder to feed our hate.
Ha ha, nice one.
I love comic sans. It always makes meer feel cheerful.
Making a comeback? Bloatware never left!
Providing ip phone access to friends and family would cost about zilch. Forcing prisoners to call collect is just milking people in a bad situation. You don't want your prisoners to just get madder and madder at the system. Being in prison, eating in prison etc is punishment is enough. I'd record every call, have it…
@Navin R Johnson: That's wiretapping, though. It's a communication that's expected to be private over a phone line. Recording something out in public where people know they are out in public is a completely different circumstance.