
@mastrgamr: It still costs. They are delivering content. It was all on the page where you signed up for the Beta.

I achieve the same effect by washing my feet and wearing clean socks.

You basically trade your wallet for one , anyway.

that's crazy how all those guys can jump from one box to another like that. How the heck did he train them to do that like that?

Good luck. I'd submit for Portland, but I take mostly video. I got some great shots of 15 local skateparks there, though.

Apple should be liable for the cost to the developer in this process.

The way they constantly change the speed of slo mo ruins the effect. It's over dramatized, I guess.

I don't think I could work at Twitter because I still don't understand the point of Twitter/ think it's useless.

@Prostate of Grace: Without help, it never would have occurred to me that there was anything inappropriate about this. I think perversion is in the eye of the beholder.

@Gann: I'd like to join in but I'm just not feline it.

I'm not sure I care. I mean, a beautiful picture of scenery and an animal is a beautiful picture of scenery and an animal. It's all manufactured to some degree. You go somewhere, you wait for the right time, you take tons of pictures, you perform post processing. There's something contrived no matter what.

I'm betting the quality is better, but that's just a bulky setup for a helmet cam.

God it kills me that this completely featureless gimmick gets so much press, has so much hardware already. I know there is just this huge population of "buy what ever you see on TV" that well let "them" get away with this farce. It's great that it will probably push "standard 2d" TV prices lower, but it also stops any

Shit I agree with the sentiment. It just wouldn't occur to me to complain about free illegal movies I downloaded off the internet.

@KentuckyBabe: they take body scans when you ride a rollercoaster?

@ImmaLion: shit, I'd pay extra for that!

So are, like, airplane terrorists intrinsic afraid of being photographed naked? Cause I heard if you are you can't get into heaven no matter how many infidels you kill.

That dudes like "cool someone's taking my picture." and the camera man's saying, "dude, keep walking I'm shooting the guy behind you."