
All these music creation apps are fantstic. It seem like the iPad really, really stands out in this area.

Yeah. That's just the way it is. Believe me, I hate it too. I've been through lots of stuff like this. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, and even when it does, the time and stress involved generally makes it seem like it's just not worth it. I disagree with the people who say "Leave AT&T", because you

Ok, ok, I give. What's this whole FaceBook thing about? Is it some trick to make people get books in front of their faces, you know, read and shit? I keep hearing something about privacy issues, what, does it include having cameras in your bathroom or something? Somebody fill me in, I like reading, as long as it's

Thanks. This is valuable info. And shame on you, Apple.

Why do I feel like a crack addict watching this? And how is that I know what crack addicts feel like?

@moglee: I want a cash input peripheral on my computer so I don't have to do ridiculous stuff like that.

I thought Bittorent was Google's music store??

@Mactacular: You might want to strap on some heat, or at least a Tazer.

@Tom.Cruise.Is.Weird: It's never happened before, I don't know why it would now. Unless you mean eBay prices.

That's double awesome for people who are planning on standing in line. If only I had bought one so I could go and taunt them, I mean show them what to look forward to.

I'd say that's at least 5 signs a geek has no taste. But who needs taste if you've got money?

@Segador: On the other hand, it won't take too many of reports of actual use before rapists will loose their desire to actually rape for fear of cock-teeth. My next question is how likely is it that the type of men who would be raping in this situation would be privy to the reports? Without that, it is probably just a

@thechansen: No, it's not OK with me that Apple stores my location. I don't agree that we gave up all rights present and future to privacy years ago. But saying such things does promote the concept. We need to keep vigilant in safeguarding and improving privacy practices, OR SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN and it will be

@monkey314159: yeah, that's part of what I'm saying, too. No matter how careful we with deep water drilling, there's never 0% risk of an accident. And there's some things humans just haven't mastered, some things we can't control. We can't clean up nuclear explosions. We can't land men on the moon. We can't cure

@Gators15: No, me I'm just not blaming BP for everything solely. I take part responsibility for the disaster. I use gas and other products with abandon. I don't ever ask where it comes from. So I don't feel right in being self-righteous like I've take special care to make sure my oil comes from extra careful sources

So sad, first time I can't join in the new iPhone excitement. I'm stuck with my poor old, awesome Evo. I guess I could update my 3GS that I haven't sold yet just for kicks.

Ah, so this is what will happen if the leak continues for 43,297 more years and increase in flow by 400% and also if there is magically more oil in the well than is actually possible. Very informative. I really hate the BP scapegoatism. Everyone using any oil product, derivative or any energy derived from burning oil

@ElementalDragon: It's just that nobody asked you for your opinion. Somebody: "Hey, I like my iPad", you: "let me lay out all the reasons why your opinion is wrong, bad and stupid, and by the way, have also been hashed out endlessly by self-aggrandized commentors like myself already. You see, it goes like this..."

@zomgzombies: That is rad, can we get a story dedicated to these items, Giz?