midlife ennui vigilante



What exactly does this even mean? What is your complaint? More dick? Less dick? Your last word salad sentence is devoid of anything resembling a POV.

AB’s fuck up the BC, not the cycle, per se


believing that makes them wingnuts by definition


They’re kinda laid out pretty clearly already in the article. Is this one of those “educate me so I don’t have to” requests? Go read say, four articles about domestic abuse statistics: reporting habits and timeframes, conviction rates & recidivism, typical defense strategies and fallacies, rates of incarceration

Um, separation? Divorce? GTF outta town? These are options to solve the “problem”. Murder isn’t.

If we’re already brutally aware of it as reality I don’t think we need any reminders.

not, technically, “same genes”

ogling, not oogling

But he could also have female reproductive organs internally, and a testicle does not affect drug metabolism, heart attack risk, etc. Those are post-pubertal differences. That’s “medical”

That’s not medical, those are hygiene issues, which exist with intersex babies as well. The only “sex-related medical” things are associated with post-pubertal bodies. Men/women metabolize drugs differently, have more/less risk for certain illnesses, need specific exams for prostate, cervix, female reproductive

paradoxically the police are the murderers, so there’s that, too...

I think exactly none of that is accurate

a dump of assholes



You’re “amazed”? After everything people just laid out? I call BS. “yeah, sure, mmhmm, right but they are selfish”.