midlife ennui vigilante

every aspect of this is unbearable

not actually true.


This, a thousand times. And yes, the original argument is incredibly classist, unrealistic, and dirisive.

Being forced to choose and pay for a disposal method, when this should be both a non-concern for the patient, and is considered medical waste like any other excised tissue or fluid, is asking women to approve and fund a funeral-based disposal. So yes, a funeral.

bottom line is regardless who is “in charge”, if such a thing can be said about this clown car, there will be problems for POC, women, anyone needing an abortion, and anyone who uses health insurance. or SNAP. or any public assistance.

I was just saying to someone that very thing- it’s bad enough “allies” won’t go out of their way to demolish institutional racism, misogyny, anti-LGBTQA+, but now they’ve shown they won’t even make the effort to maintain the status quo, and are happy letting things roll backwards.

True, he has zero attention span, no interest in learning, Cannot Operate A Computer, and will wander away from his duties like a petulant and entitled nine year old who’d rather be throwing rocks at animals. However, that will leave frying-pan-face Pence to do all the heavy reactionary lifting. No thanks to that.