
“failed to provide a safe and secure environment” for the participants, among other complaints.

I’m sure if we read comments from articles when twitter came out there were plenty of people rolling their eyes and laughing at “tweet”. 

I remember learning that trick in kindergarten, and I was so proud. I wanted to show my mother when I got home, so I put my jacket on the kitchen floor, and then she yelled at me that I was getting my jacket dirty and I was punished.

I’m just concerned about people not knowing better when they allow non-Play apps to be installed and then don’t turn that setting back off.  We could see more malware hitting folks. 

I’m sorry, but this is nuts. Every market place curates the products made available on it. Your grocery store decides what it does or doesn’t sell. Steam ALSO decides what it does and doesn’t sell. To imply that it is perfectly fine for users to have to download malware from Steam FIRST before determining it is

I think it’s stupid to equate this to Steam’s lack of censorship (which is the heart of their content policies).

No, users shouldn’t be buying malware or games without reviews. Steam should sell whatever people are willing to buy.

By that logic the game would never have any sales because someone eventually has to be the one that buys it and make the negative review.

Steam still shouldn’t be selling malware in the first place.

I don’t think this article has a negative bent, but I also really don’t see a downside to this. It’s not like people are getting tricked into buying something they don’t expect. If people want to buy shovelware for the purpose of pumping up their meaningless trophy count, whatever.

I guess the one the one thing that

I mean, xenophobic bullshit is one way to divert the conversation, certainly.

Yes, because the most UNpopular games are the ones pirated most. Bingo! 

I fully understand that there are a number of arguments and justifications for piracy (to include exorbitant pricing models in some nations, inaccessibility of titles in nations where they were not formally released, etc).

Understanding that does not change one fundamental fact: In most cases, piracy. Is. Theft.


I think I’d go with a sort of hybrid approach: You can pay up front, or play for free, with microtransactions and the usual progress throttling chicanery you get in F2P games. The gimmick would be that you could pay for the full game at any time, doing away with the microtransactions and throttling, and the money you

The real headline should be how humble and honest the dev’s have been about accepting their bad decisions, and going back to the day one build to start over. This is unprecedented and should be encouraged in the future!

I know you need attention grabbing headlines, but the real story is the 180!

I find your language repulsive, you are cheapening sincere thoughts and prayers by offering them to snowflakes who had their feelings hurt. Thoughts and prayers are the most powerful weapons we have in our arsenal to combat gun violence in America, so they need to be saved and only used in cases of actual physical

That’s kind of scary. Because it tells us that prominent gun rights advocates can afford to give so few fucks that they aren’t worried about looking like psychopaths in front of the entire world.

So you put out a jar begging for money then going to insult people who bother to give you a hand out? 

I do remember a phrase while living in Jamaica - I’ve always been asked “did you zero the game?” which meant if I had completed it 100%. It was very prevalent during childhood to brag about how many games you “zeroed”.

Why does a presumably fully grown adult believe a child who has done nothing to hurt him deserve to get his ass kicked every day at school again? Why did you make this comment? What happened to you in your life to believe that is in any way, shape or form a good thing to say?