
Yeah we’ve been using it for TAY (the kotaku sub blog) since it came out and the speed with which it updates is amazing. When it first came out about a year or so ago, you could post gifs and text and do simple voice chat. Now there’s direct member to member calling, embedded video, bots galore, and so much more power

A lot of these games, I think, are labors of love from fans who want to further invest in a universe they enjoy. Another take is that this is them practicing their game building skills, for further careers.

They did implement somewhat a taunt cooldown in Smash 4's base online(before patches)on With Anyone modes. I think it was 1 taunt every 15 seconds was safe and more than 2 in succession disables taunt for the rest of the match.

If they’re not cheating, and using built in game mechanisms (regardless of doing it repeatedly), they shouldn’t be banned or soft banned or anything.

Nintendo fucks up online mode, news at 11.

This has been my biggest wish for my Chromebook. PIN unlock + Android apps will be very welcome additions.

Oh you modern gamers and your “autosave.”

Re: snow, I believe he’s referring to 刹那 (setsuna) which means a “fleeting moment” or an “instant”. However, the Japanese word for snow 雪 (yuki) can have the reading “setsu” in certain compound words. So it might be an overlapping play on that as well.

Ok, I’m sold on the next title already. A team like this with a vision, passion, knowledge, skill, and willingness to listen to its customers, makes me really excited for the future.

That is like 80% PR bullshit, 15% trying to pretend to be human and likable, and 5% useful information but not really.

Well, I mean, you could still listen to Paul Oakenfold while guessing someone’s password on numerous monitors.

Well it’s not that Pokémon Go will work here in Brazil at all anyway... Our mobile data services suck. And it’s 33kbps dial-up modem kind of suck.

Even being a long time Pokémon fan I will certainly not walk around waving my smartphone. Or go on night walks. Actually Im concearned about trying to capture them in my own

This is the most Hanke has communicated with the Pokémon Go community.

Niantic has been terrible at communicating with its players. Maybe literally taking money out of their pocket will send a message that they can’t ignore.

Yet another in a long line of “small company with very specific vision that refuses to compromise” vs. “large fanbase with totally different vision.”

Pokevision made the game fun. I could actually track and hunt down desirable mon instead of waiting through a sea of pidgeys.

One could argue that bundles have devalued games (indie games in particular) far more than marketplaces like G2A. Why would I ever buy an indie game individually when there’s a 90% chance it will be bundled within 6 months of release? I love bundles because I’m cheap but even I recognize how much harm they’ve done to

Yeah, that’s why I don’t support these sites. They are not legitimate retail channels and you don’t know where those keys come from. Some keys might be legit, some might not. The developer might get money from the sale, they might not. If it’s a game I want badly enough to buy, then I can pay $5-$10 more on a GMG or

I appreciate the help, honestly at this point I might just keep 7 installed and get an antivirus. I know 7, it hasn't pooped out on me ever, and I'm a grumpy old man.