
I know. I mean, can you imagine a Sonic game on a Nintendo system? Impossible. Besides, a Nintendo system probably couldn't even handle it. No blast processing.

Probably not, unless you have others in your home would would like to use the computer while you're gaming in Big Picture mode, but you, oh The God Emperor Of Mankind, savior of us all and high exalted one almighty, are probably a hip, modern kind of God, and I imagine you already have tablets, laptops, and other

That seems to be what George R. R. Martin is attempting with his Song of Ice and Fire series. It has started off very low fantasy. It's all swords and grit and minimal magic. Even when something magical DOES happen, it's questionable whether it was actually magic or not.

No mention that any of this information was encrypted. So I assume that Target was storing this information on their network as plain text?

Though the Vita version is much prettier indeed. Despite being an 8 year old piece of hardware, the PSP really still holds it's own in the graphical department. It's truly the little handheld that could.

Yep. That's me. Boring and unimaginative. Guilty as charged.

Do want!

Either that or auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Ah, I half expected Nintendo to have caught on and created their own version of Super Mario Crossover.

It's a touch easier with the XL. You've got more system to hold onto with your left hand, so it doesn't feel like your trying to support it's whole weight just by pinching one edge.

Freakin' YES! I just don't have enough hours in my days to enjoy all this RPG goodness I need to play. And I'm a touch ADD which makes it hard to sit down and play games for extended stretches of time without getting fidgety.

Could you imagine all the Nintendo themed DLC that could be released for a WiiU edition of Minecraft? Minecraft: Zelda Edition? Yes please.

If you had said "F2P, turn based, card battle game with an energy meter and microtransactions." I would have been saddened.

Now release it on PSN already!

I'm considering picking up a Vita just for Golden myself, so that I too can begin to suspect that my bowl is a portal to the Meat Dimension.

The dice really ARE delicious!

Every console ever released is initially sold on potential. If you bought an Xbox One or a Playstation 4, you bought into the potential, because there aren't many games to play on those things yet.

Not really, because why own a $500 console when you can own a $500 PC that plays a lot more games, and is a lot less "walled garden" than any console you could ever buy.

Turn off anti aliasing. Turn the resolution down to 720p. Adjust the settings down to mediumish or so. Oh hey, look, 60fps, and it looks at least as good as the console version.

But they might for the streaming capability. Your crappy $100 Emachine might not be good for gaming, but it could be a nice box to stream games running on the real computer in your office to the TV in your livingroom.