
Went back to look at some video of Hunters, and this looks only marginally better. Besides some really low res textures, at least Hunters had an actual art direction. This just looks kind of flat and blobby. It’s like they’re going for a nicer, gentler Metroid title, then ripping exactly what makes it Metroid in the

I hate that I know this.

This is the first iteration of the controller I've seen that I can imagine completely replacing my 360 controller for PC gaming. I'll definitely be picking one of these up.

The rapid fire editing made me feel like I had severe ADHD.

Depends on how the call is made.

I had to do a double take on part of that voice over. Does it sound like one of the activities you can partake in is "Hunting naked creatures" to anyone else?

That's exactly the reason I picked up 'Lucius' during the Steam Halloween Sale. Let the evil plotting and murdering begin.

Games are perfectly playable at 30fps, but 60fps is just...better. You don't just see the difference (Don't believe those who say you can't. You absolutely can.) you feel it. It feels more fluid. Closer to reality.

That might be true NOW, but we're rapidly heading towards solar energy parity. We're already there in some places. Once the cost of solar and other renewable sources matches or outstrips the cost of burning coal or nuclear, there will be absolutely no reason to use any kind energy but renewable sources. At this

I do, but lately I don't have much time to actually do so. The best time I can think of for portable gaming is my lunch break at work, but pulling out a 3ds or a phone and playing while sitting at a table full of casual work acquaintances just seems rude when there is conversation to be had. The other good time to

I don't know. I love King's Quest, and I could see this working, but they'll have to go one of three ways:

When I am drawing on paper with a pencil, and I make a mistake, I instinctively try to press "Crtl-Z" to undo it. It takes me a second to realize that it's not going to work, and there isn't even a keyboard in front of me.

Dressed my kid a Link one halloween. Was only slightly irritated at the people who called him Zelda. Became enraged (Internally, mind you.) when they called him Robin Hood. Was pleased when the called him Link.

CPU tension bar? Fine. No problem there. Now that goddamn CPU heatsink. Holy crap. Sometimes it's okay, but most of the time it's like trying to wrestle a cat who really hates baths into the bath tub.

I started out blowing into my cartridges like everyone else, but as time went on I did that less and less and eventually found other methods that worked BETTER.

It was delicious. A little pasta. Side of vegetables. Satisfying.

I made it. It wasn't difficult, but I have chicken on the stove and I was a little worried about it. Should I check the chicken? What if it's burning? The chicken turned out okay.

I've never managed to get any ENB setting to run at an acceptable level for me. I've even tried the "performance" ENB settings to no avail.

This announcement that the new Zelda is taking an open world approach has me extremely excited, and it's a good way to take advantage of the increased power of the WiiU. (Compared to previous Nintendo hardware generations.) How about giving some more games the open world approach? A Metroid game with No Man's Sky

Today, I learned...