
Another misunderstood fact of PC gaming is that it does not, in fact, require constant upgrading, unless you are buying bottom-of-the-line parts.

"Man, sarcasm and satire truly does escape people in textual form..."

There are currently 352 titles available on Steam with Linux support. This number will only get larger.

I've poured new life into old PCs by installing Linux on them. What once seemed like ancient, hulking dinosaurs of PC tech suddenly turn into useful machines running Linux.

Think of Linux support for Steam games as kind of like the games supported on new platforms like the Xbone and PS4. There's not very much yet, but you bought one because you know there will be more games coming down the pipeline.

Lucky bastard. I wonder how long until these things start popping up on Ebay for thousands.

A machine this powerful would carry you through at least this new console generation, possibly more. PC gaming isn't as expensive as it's made out to be.

Though with how complex the algorithms have gotten, one computer isn't really going to cut it. You might earn, maybe, $50 every 20 years or so.

Dragon's Dogma had a very nice, climbing around on giant enemies slashing at them kind of mechanic that reminded me of Shadow of the Colossus. It is very, very good.

Looks like a knowledge of Japanese wouldn't really be a requirement to enjoy this game.

"Keeping the kid alive" was humor, yes. He's 5. He's a gigantic handful.

So what if I work a full-time job, and she doesn't work because she has anxiety and stays at home to take care of the five year old. (Who's not there for a few hours each day for kindergarten.) Yet she doesn't clean unless I bring it up, and when I do she complains about it, and about how I didn't do the dishes on my

I've seen several people I know purchase the Xbox One based purely on brand loyalty. One previous co-worker of mine I kept in touch with was excited about his new purchase. I said "What. No PS4?" He replied with "I've always played my 360 a lot more than my PS3, so the decision was easy for me."

It's a good clean cut. Several stitches later, it should heal nicely, and he'll have a wicked facial scar to brag about to the ladies. Also, it will draw attention away from his male pattern baldness.

I remember the pogo stick resurgence of 2001. All of a sudden, everyone wanted a pogo stick. No clue what sparked that. I think there was a yo-yo craze some time around then too.

Funny thing is, that's what I thought about the original XBox. It was very PC like, with basically what amounted to a Pentium 3 processor under the hood.

You'll get credit for discovering it. You'll also, if the materials there are valuable, attract players to come visit.

Grant [Duncan, the art director] said it the other day. 'Is this the first game that doesn't have a skybox?' It's such a weird thing, it's such a techie thing, but that should be our opener: the first game with no skybox."

That would have sucked:

The only way for them to kill anticipation would be to go out of business and publicly announce that they are closing up shop for good...