
I assume this is the basic pleasure model?

I just got a copy of The War in the North via Humble Bundle. Haven't even installed it yet. Is it something I should play, or should I save the bandwidth for something more worthwhile?

It only makes you an alcoholic if you do it frequently enough that it effects your quality of life.

Akihabara: one of the places I must go at least once before death.

With so many Minecraft clones out there, I wouldn't doubt if some of them had extensive microtransactions. The non-gaming layman most likely saw it and immediately thought it was Minecraft, much like parents assumed that all videogames were "Nintendo" well into the Playstation era.

The next gen consoles will allow for far higher resolution textures on games than current gen systems will. Having 8gb of ram to play with, rather than 256mb means you can have ginormous textures, which take up a lot of space. They can also do cool things with lots of uncompressed, lossless audio, which was done to

It seems Microsoft went the same route as WiiU and allows external USB 3.0 storage.

WASD must be a difficult control scheme to handle with only two fingers and a thumb.

Steam doesn't deal in physical copies, and you've never been able to trade downloaded titles on either console.

I can do that too.

I once broke up with Firefox to date a girl named Chrome. She was new and exciting, and used CPU threads that Firefox wouldn't touch.

Shame it's not real. Or that you can't at least buy them. I've got an old 3.5-inch drive somewhere in the garage, would be awesome to plug it in and actually use it one last time. For something other than Quest For Glory II.

Really? I'll have to test that. If so, lamesauce.

I once tried to give a homeless man, who was holding up a sign saying "Hungry. Please. Anything helps." a cheeseburger. He turned it down and asked if I had any money.

Can you guess which one is Rambo, and which one is a PS2 game?

Exactly like that.

I had a cat that could bound from the floor to the top of a six foot tall book shelf with seemingly little effort. This cat also liked to hitch rides on your shoulder, usually when you least expected it.

Another name for zero tolerance policies are zero thought policies. It's why kids get suspended at school because they had a tiny plastic keychain in the shape of an assault rifle.

There needs to be another grilled cheese sandwich BELOW the burger as well, to complete the circle. It would be like eating a burger using two grilled cheese sandwiches as a bun.

Yeah. Don't send photos of your penis to random strangers. That's a good way to get arrested. But crude penis doodles, that's fine.