
That looks like it might make for a decent gaming keyboard...

I struggled with them at first. In Metal Gear Solid 2, when I would take my gun out. If I wanted to put the gun away without firing, I would sometimes shoot it anyway when I got the gentle release of the button wrong.

Am I completely wrong in coming to the conclusion that there are certain parallels between things that are extremely Australian and things that are Extremely American?

Also better atmospheric effects. Stuff far away fades into the color of the sky the farther it goes, because atmospheric scattering. The effect is nicer and more pronounced on the PS4.

You're so right. XBone has all the graphics. All of them. All other consoles need to beg for the leftover graphics that the XBone tosses to them.

This might just be echoing other comments but...

I love my 650 ti. Runs everything I throw at it. I think I'll be dropping it into a dedicated TV computer I'll be building and replacing it with a 760 or a 780 though. Recent price drops have made them a lot more affordable.

Oh, I like the look of that cooler unit. Heat pipes. An extra 10 bucks would be worth it.

Currently, I've got to say that the Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 is the most bang for your buck. It should be more than enough to handle the next generation goodness soon to hit the PC, and it will give you plenty of performance for future games as well.

Now playing

I went ahead and tested it with Dishonored. Didn't notice any framerate problems. I uploaded that test. See for yourself.

I really have no idea. I was thinking my card was a "GTS 650ti", but it didn't sound right in my head, so I looked. I guess I just had that GTS 450 for so long that it has me confused.

I was all ready to be bummed out. "Aww, I only have a GTS Nvidia card. Looks like I'm stuck trying to get Fraps to do what I want without killing my frame rates too much." I was about to say.

I thought it was only CRT monitors that emitted an unhealthy dose of radiation. Hasn't this problem been fixed with modern, LED backlit LCD monitors?

We're just waiting patiently for our turn.

Grow a giant beard, but keep a small beard trimmer to take care of any rogue beard hairs. I've probably saved thousands by not shaving.

Grow a giant beard, but keep a small beard trimmer to take care of any rogue beard hairs. I've probably saved

With the exception of big-budget newly released titles, PC games already have a nicely flexible pricing structure, and the big-budget games all release at $60 only because of pressure from the retailers. If it were cheaper as a download all the time, nobody would buy the boxed copy, putting brick and mortar out of

What about a game that looks like it might be worth playing, but not $60 worth? A flexible pricing structure could potentially bring the price of a game more in line with it's perceived value, or cost/entertainment quotient.

I think part of the problem is that the gaming industry keeps getting compared to the movie industry. They're not the same, and the same business model won't work for games.

However much people are willing to pay. That six hours might be $60 worth of fun to most people. Or it might be $20 worth of fun. They'll have to gauge the market to find a pricing sweet-spot, and that sweet-spot will likely be different for each game.

He's an analyst. He's extrapolating from the previous sales of the 360 and PS3. I doubt he's basing his analysis on popular opinion.