You know how to party!
You know how to party!
A democratic election? We have interference from a foreign government, interference from the FBI, widespread voter suppression under the guise of a problem that doesn’t even exist, voting instrumentation so flawed that they can’t even do a proper recount in Michigan, laughably transparent gerrymandering, an outmoded,…
2016 is when you drink the hemlock. 2017 is when it kicks in.
So... Don’t buy anything. Got it.
Pence is already going to be the President in all but name, and he and Ryan are going to get up to all their sneaky shit while Trump distracts us by sabotaging the economy and international relations with his crazy tweeting. I would rather have Trump out of the government and just deal with Pence & Co.
People have made storage shelters called SCOBY hotels to keep their SCOBYs safe. Going for a long time without making use of the SCOBY and keeping it alive and well is tricky, and I have zero experience with that. This article might help though.
Madonna is the once cool aunt who used to buy you beer while you were underage but now tries to twerk at the Thanksgiving table.
I’m pretty sure he’s actually a cocker spaniel.
Then you are to blame for neonazis in the White House. Enjoy!
More like Slaytanists!!!!
Hello Kinja this is a formal request to change the stars to pentagrams on this site. Thank you for your consideration.
I feel like your dog might get into some pay-to-play scheme where she trades contracting deals for belly rubbins.
You are in denial about the fact that these are fascists; this is the rise of American Fascism. Here is a definition of fascism.
Trump decision making process:
Here’s something you can do to help. The Department of Justice is tallying phone calls regarding those who want the 2016 Vote audited. A shift of just 55,000 Trump votes to Hillary in Pennsylvania,Michigan and Wisconsin is all that is Needed to Win.
Please, Travolta makes his wedding ring disappear a couple times a month.
Eh, there have been so many performative allyship fails over the past week - see the Safety Pin fallout, for example - that I can’t even be bothered to criticize this dude in earnest. I just don’t have it in me.
I feel like this criticism, while maybe not entirely invalid, is going to great lengths to make perfect the enemy of the good.
You know Gawker went under, right Rich? No need for snarking on a reasonable guy saying mostly admirable things anymore. Being shitty for no reason turned out not to be edgy or cool, just a dick move.
Yeah, I’m confused.