You have a point, I like the fact that states like GA, TX, VA, and CA let you have plain jane white plates, but then give you the option to buy fancier plates. Have people pay more for the fancy stuff, it raises money.
Oh wow, what a cool story. Seeing a non-white background license plate from California is highly rare here in Central New York. I have seen a Dodge RV and a Mercedes Benz W123 with those blue plates though. Yet to see an Art Deco plate over here though.
So, why do you say NY hates vehicles? I agree with you, but want to read what your thoughts are. Those plates look ok on my red Voyager, but driving across country people thought it was an either an Ohio DWI Plate, an Oregon plate, a plate from Alaska, and even had some think it was New Mexico or Wisconsin plate.
No hat tip for me because I mentioned this and saw this in the Sacramento Bee last weekend?
You in the NY Metro Area? Yea, a number of sketchy buses around there from fishy companies.
I know almost nothing about this TV show, but from what I gathered these people could be from Central New York since there are people like this around here. Some of them even have rural accents that could sound Southern to the untrained ear.
So, Road Cunnilingus? You two sound like a riot and remind me of one of my (legal age) friends. We are not exactly sure which way she swings since she tells stories, but one of her girlfriend's is twice her age and likes to feel young again thanks to her.
Finger Lakes Region. Even on main roads there is occasionally the lack of guard rails preventing you from crashing into a swamp (or because the DOT does not fix them when damaged) the lack of road stripes, bumpy rides from old pavement that make you drive down the middle. Watch out for tractors, Amish, and wildlife…
Perhaps it is good my vehicle is already totaled, it looks so much more menacing when behind you and not much more you can do to it.
They really are kind in the Midwest, whoa!
I have to say that in my drive through PA, OH, KY, TN, MS, AR, TX, OK, NM, and AZ to get to NorCal TN had some of the worst drivers and the most beaterriffic vehicles. AZ drivers (Pheonix) were not so great, but their vehicles were not so hoopty looking. If I had ventured into the KY woods more I would have found…
Here in New York it is illegal to cross a road not using a cross walk, not giving vehicles time to stop, or going against signals. Also, every intersection has a cross walk even if it is not painted.
I scared and pissed off Coloradoans with my style of driving since I gun it on onramps, pass on the left and go 5-7 over if safe to do so. I am not even the scariest NY driver.
I have to confess my vehicle's Tranny hunts at 12-17 MPH so I either take turns at 20+ or 10.
I just spent 6 weeks in LA working at various schools with my coworkers tutoring at risk youth. We never ever got on the Freeway due to congestion, but then again Crensaw Manor and Watts Tower area do not exactly have Freeway access.
Oooh, stacked headlights are coming back! Hope there is a Stripper Version that is not all fancy.
Wonder if the driver of the circa 1950 truck in the lead photo hit a pole or post while turning to back out of somewhere?
Hi there, I would leave you a message, but that feature is disabled. Anyway, I am looking into buying a 1997+ Ford Econoline 12 Passenger for about $3,000 or less and people are saying you are the person to ask about these vehicles.
Me too! I also have been to Jersey Shore, PA