87CE 95PV Type Я

Differently that is how, but I am done typing, this thread is going nowhere productive.

The worst Christmas gift there would be opening a Katrina Fridge.

Average Joe broke usually means you cannot buy a thing, but government broke means they can keep buying all they want.

Well when I say "Yup, Cali is broke and they still do not try to save money as much as they could" I mean California Republic aka the State of California, not Californians.

Oh yea, there are places called suburbs, I kind of forgot that. Things are more compact where I grew up except the countryside.

I cannot even begin to describe how greatly you misinterpreted my post and jumped down my throat.

I saw some fly rides in SF, I bet those vehicles are driven a bunch. Will have to get to Alameda sometime.

I did not see that many Priuses even in San Francisco, but then again I was only there 4-5 hours checking out Fisherperson's Warf and the Golden Gate. Even in South Central Los Angeles I see more Astros/Safaris, older Japanese vehicles, and small pickups than Priuses.

Had an 87 Caprice that would steer into the roadside ditch if I let go of the steering wheel. It would also shudder, lose power, and the check engine light would come on; sometimes the oil pressure light too. Also, rusted out floor pans, smell of gas, and no air bags.

Umm, no, the locos from Chuggington look cheesy and I rather like the Thomas the Tank Engine characters.

This is rather unfortunate since I have little insight into Boulder's Saab community, but the few I met sure seemed friendly. My condolences to everyone.

Well if he did not return it he would have been in trouble with his boss. Either that or Dog the Bounty Hunter might have been paid to hunt him down.

I knew avoiding Memphis and driving straight to Little Rock was a good idea.

Well the TXDMV did a boatload of stupid and now they are fixing the problem soon which is good. Personally, I am somewhat surprised they did not scrap the crappy plate within a year or two, guess they were in denial. Part of me wishes the Texas outline on the new plates were the colors of the flag and I really wish

Oh neat, a map of plate issuance. I only saw one or two pairs of Black and Whites in the Paris area, but I am seeing more Black and Whites in Western Oklahoma, Texas, and Northern New Mexico.

According to this list I am a pretty good driver who can also be a not so good driver and I bounce between the two, interesting.

Oh she goes in every few months due to various shenanigans, but sometimes things sneak up on you and NY has vehicle inspections.

I just passed through Tennessee last week and no offense, but they are for the most part the worst drivers I have encountered yet. I agree about the sketchy vehicles since I got passed by a Windstar with a caved in side and bungee corded passenger door, real rough pickups, and other hoopties. While the vehicles do

Good points. I know my brakes are fine, but they squeak occasionally when I am stopping.

What if you said you lost one of your plates and asked for a replacement pair or if you asked for the white and black pair when your registration is up for renewal?