Going to Mexico I take it? I have seen vehicles Mexico bound even in Colorado.
Going to Mexico I take it? I have seen vehicles Mexico bound even in Colorado.
Sometimes a #tag is needed, that is if you want to make the post one people can comment on. Hence the edit tattoo on the original post.
That Cars 2?
That Cars 2?
I want to bone that dude, no homo.
Ohhh yeaa, I love reading stories like this about New Orleans and the area in general. Not even much of a Coffee drinker, but now there is another reason to be bummed about not being able to make it down to the Gulf Coast later this year. Not gonna lie, but I am somewhat glad I do not have your job since Dixie sure…
It would disable the vehicle, but it would be suicidal to run onto the road to get it back. Just call 911 and walk against traffic away from the Driveshaft so when it does get hit you are out of the way.
Why thank you for helping me out and being nice about it since doing some research was not yielding results.
I would rather find an incline or decline and angle my vehicle so the gas flows out behind me.
Back in 1994 mama was driving her inherited 1970 Dodge Dart on the Penna Turnpike when she heard a noise which convinced her to pull over. The tow truck bloke came out, drove the vehicle a few hundred feet and the Driveshaft fell onto the shoulder because the bits connecting it to the rear axle broke.
Oh snap motherfucker, you pissed them off real good, you are in a heap of trouble!
Trying to get the attention of drivers is a waste of time for the most part from my experience. I bet this person is fine and personally, I would keep driving as well since the last thing I would want is a puddle of gas under my vehicle. The key would be to find a slope so the gas can leak away from your vehicle. Not…
Good point, you just have to make sure the Water Pump does not pump Coolant where Coolant should not go.
They will just have to have their quirks worked out.
What about not doing this panic button and instead considering these deaths as "Thinning the herd of the stupid ones?" Ouch, that comes off as harsh.
Yea, but their Vermont Syrup is shitty compared to New York's
Oh no, not the State and County Municipal Offender Data System.
Vinyl is so easy to clean, I like it.
I like the looks of the 87-91 F-Series, nice and sharp. Funny how the 99-07 GMC Sierras look like 92-96/97 F-Series.
The 1990s Tahoe and Suburban Police SUV is cool, but not the later ones in my opinion. Get a police truck, it does not have to be a F-Series I think since didn't Dodge and Chevy make their own version?