New York is not part of New England and neither is Vermont as far as I know.
New York is not part of New England and neither is Vermont as far as I know.
Wow, looks like they could have flown over the fence if things did not go the right way. I sure hope the driver is a-ok and I am surprised how intact the Mustang is, looks like it even has its front bumper still.
Sheesh, what a sticky situation. Here, have some of the finest Maple Syrup around to make up for all that "syrup" you lost.
Looking at the map there is not a 635 aka a loop road around Austin which is something you do not usually see because most places have a loop around cities. Is Texas State Route 45 not a very good bypass?
II cannot tell you anymore since my Neutralizer has dead batteries. Thanks for the kind words.
Perhaps you can answer this question. What is so bad about I-35 in Texas?
Fix your grammar, sheesh. Did you not see the bit about Cintra and Rick Perry being bed buddies?
Really, I always go 5-9 over on I-95, but never above 80 MPH usually.
I too wish that place was warmer.
When I drive to California later this year I am tempted to write on the very darked tinted windows of my minivan "No illegals in here." as I pass through Arizona and in case you was wondering I am quite Caucasian looking.
Mr. Orlove, this is getting boring and I know there are 49 other states out there. I know Florida has Sulphur in their HOH which makes it smell like rotten eggs and gives it a weird texture.
High five!
You scare me, I hope there are not too many like you out there.
Perhaps me, but not in this situation. Few years back while in Texas the group that was there before me used Federal Government plated vans in assisting people after Hurricane Ike. Problem was some people called the police and went on some Men in Black like rant which resulted in some people sitting cuffed in a cop…
Mr. Orlove, it would not surprise me if the suspect was found in the last vehicle because after that the fuzz stopped searching.
Well it is a bit on the old side, but if you ended up Motor Homeless something like this would come in handy.
Well a Kombie is like a grave site if you think about it.
I bet if I walked into a Hyundai Dealership with a pair of suitcases like the one in the photo I could probably get one of these for 19 Grand or maybe even less than that.